Iranian social media police

July 13, 2009

On passing through the immigration control at the airport in Tehran, she was asked by the officers if she has a Facebook account. When she said “no”, the officers pulled up a laptop and searched for her name on Facebook. They found her account and noted down the names of her Facebook friends.

Barcelona workshop to discuss research on e-skills and employability for immigrant women in Europe

July 6, 2009

Immigrant women, e-skills, and employability in Europe project researchers will be gathering in Barcelona from July 6–9, 2009, to refine the study’s conceptual framework, discuss preliminary findings, review field notes, map the main factors that contribute to or limit the employability, and discuss the role of e-skills. This workshop will take place at Centre Esplai.

Extending empathy forward

July 4, 2009

I got this expression from the first One Giant Leap film. From the section on time and the 10,000-year clock. I use it in my knowledge sharing work — when trying to explain why it’s important to document, tag, give context. The idea is to make it easier to build on each other’s work.

The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID

The adoption of he technologies of the City Control is not inevitable, nor something that we must kindly accept nor sleepwalk into. Each of us can help contribute to building technologies of trust and empower ourselves in the age of mass surveillance and ambient technologies.

Fix, Hack, Create

June 29, 2009

Once again Karl has been twittering awesomeness. (Thanks!) This is from some things he posted tonight… and connects to my Plan B post and some stuff I’ve been thinking about. First: The Repair Manifesto, from Amsterdam’s Platform 21. Funny. I just got my favorite jeans repaired (two pairs, the bottoms went out on me), as […]

ParticipationCamp: Just like being there

June 27, 2009

I wanted to attend ParticipationCamp in New York. Apparently I can. From Montreal. They have live video feed with great quality: Of course social reporters can use add the #PCamp09 tag to their tweets, which are aggregated on front page of their website. Great use of social media and attention to virtual participants: livestreaming video, […]

Digital revolutionaries: What’s your Plan B?

June 25, 2009

Farhad Manjoo wrote an article in Slate: The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized: How the Internet helps Iran silence activists. Consider this: According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran has one of the world’s most advanced surveillance networks. Us…

Digital Technologies and Marginalized Youth: Reducing the Gap

June 10, 2009

Two papers by TASCHA-affiliated researchers were presented at the Digital Technologies and Marginalized Youth: Reducing the Gap workshop at the 8th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC) 2009 in Como Italy. The workshop discussed the question of how ICTs can spark the integration and participation of young people with difficult backgrounds.

iSchool Research Conversation: The Importance of Social Movements’ Networks in Promoting Development Outcomes

May 5, 2009

Presenter: Maria Garrido, Research Associate with the Center for Information & Society (CIS) at the Information School, University of Washington (link to iSchool Research Conversations) Date: 5/08/2009 Time: 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Location: Mary Gates Hall 420 This research analyzes the way in which social movements make use of information and communication technologies (ICT)…

Exploring mobile phone-sharing practices in Ghana

May 2, 2009

The article “Exploring mobile phone-sharing practices in Ghana” by Araba Sey was published in the journal Info (2009, Vol 11, No 2).  Click here to access full article. Abstract/Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present research evidence on mobile phone sharing practices in a developing country context. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted…