December 1: Developing a framework for Digitally Inclusive Communities to help improve access through collaborative action

TASCHA TALK: Samantha Becker & Rebecca Sears

December 1,  2011

Rebecca Sears discussed TASCHA’s new project to develop a framework for digitally inclusive communities. In cooperation with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and as part of the U.S. National Broadband Plan, this framework will provide communities with a resource for assessing and building the capacity of public libraries and community-based organizations to meet the public’s information needs. In this talk, Rebecca discussed the process and substance of the project, including:

  • Who is involved and how is the project engaging a broad range of stakeholders to shape the framework?
  • What are examples of different types of frameworks, and how did the project determine an appropriate structure for the digital inclusion framework?
  • What are some of the contents of the framework and why are they important?

You may download this video as an iPhone-friendly mp4, or as a radio-quality mp3.

TASCHA Talks are bi-weekly sessions to share, discuss, and advance new ideas around topics related to technology and social change. Learn more at