We’re now the Technology & Social Change Group
The Center for Information & Society (CIS) has changed its name to the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA). Over the last 10 years we have grown from a three-person team to more than a dozen researchers and program staff, with affiliated faculty from across the University of Washington and a global network of research partners. This year we came together to reflect, take stock of our strengths and emerging trends, and examine who we are, how we work, and how we can affect change. Our new name is the result of this process — and in the coming months you’ll witness a number of changes.
More than a name change
“Technology & Social Change” reflects our mission to explore the design, use, and effects of information and communication technologies in low-resource environments. We will strengthen our core research agenda — libraries and public access, employability, shared computing, the social and economic impacts of technology — and deepen our work in areas such as technology and disabilities, mobile phones, and information ecologies.
“Group” reflects the structure of our organization — an active network of social scientists, engineers, and development practitioners working to advance knowledge, create public resources, and improve policy and program design.
TASCHA is based at the University of Washington Information School, and is a member of the Information & Society Center.
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