Facebook to Support Digital Literacy in Myanmar

We are so excited for our friends at Myanmar Book Aid and Preservation Foundation (MBAPF), for their recent partnership with Facebook, to create safe and meaningful digital literacy experiences. Facebook is working with MBAPF to add more content to the Mobile Information Literacy (MIL) curriculum, including “tips for staying safe on Facebook,” “critical thinking and empathy,” and “spotting false news.” TASCHA was fortunate enough to work with MBAPF on developing the original MIL curriculum.

The central goal of the MIL curriculum is to think about the key information literacy competencies needed for individuals accessing the internet on mobile devices, rather than PCs. How does this differ? What unique opportunities does this present? In what ways can the MIL be leveraged to improve information literacy, by finding and evaluating content online? In working directly with MBAPF on the original MIL project, we were able to explore these and other questions, to develop a locally-relevant curriculum specific to communities in Myanmar.

TASCHA believes in digital equity, information literacy skill-building, and incorporating technology to meaningfully support information needs. We are excited to see how MBAPF is building upon our past work together in order to make continued advances to support their communities. Our center is looking forward to following this project to see what comes next.

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