The potential for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to create opportunities for global workforce development and to remove obstacles related to geography, socioeconomic status, educational attainment, gender, and mobility has not yet been realized. A lack of adequate data on the use of MOOCs in developing countries hampers our understanding of why exactly this is so – and limits our ability to develop effective strategies to tap that potential.
The proposed Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative (AMDI) will fill the gap on data and, based on these findings, make concrete, actionable recommendations to improve the impact of MOOCs in the developing world. Comprehensive research activities in South Africa, the Philippines, and Colombia will be accompanied by concerted marketing campaigns and targeted stakeholder engagement to promote the utilization of MOOCs as a resource for workforce development in emerging economies.
Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative
Grant Info
Christopher Coward
International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
Grant Dates
Mar 1, 2015 – Jan 1, 2017