Meet TASCHA event recap

Earlier this week more than 30 iSchool and other UW students gathered for lively discussion on TASCHA’s current work and prospective opportunities to contribute and collaborate with the TASCHA team (a few pictures from the event are below). Researchers clustered around three main areas of TASCHA’s research– 21st Century Skills, Data for Change,  and the Future of Libraries– to share information about TASCHA’s work, learn about students’ backgrounds and interests, and answer questions about the field.

For those who attended, or were unable to attend but are still curious about TASCHA’s ongoing work, please me sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter and sign-up for our newsletter. These are the most up-to-date outlets for information on open TASCHA positions and opportunities, as well as a resource for TASCHA activities, reports, presentations, and more.

Thank you to all whom attended and we look forward to seeing you again through our work and engagement with the iSchool community and beyond!