Mobile Internet study featured on ICTworks

Thanks goes to ICTworks for featuring the Global Impact Study’s Mobile Internet study, Public Access, Private Mobile, led by Marion Walton and Jonathan Donner. The post on ICTworks highlights the five central claims of the study:

Three claims addressed how things are:

C1A: Public access and private mobiles offer different affordances. Among low-income users, free use (such as that in a library) supports more resource-intensive goals (storage space, time, bandwidth) and stable media production, while paid use (such as via a phone) supports time-sensitive goals and transient media production.

C1B: Teenage users have developed complex, fine-grained practices which help them to negotiate the respective strengths and weaknesses of public access and private mobiles—including practices that help to minimize costs and maximize convenience—and a keen sense of which affordances or use settings will be more productive to reach given goals.

C2: The Public Access Venue (PAV) provides non-substitutable impact to resource-constrained users, even those with “the Internet in their pocket.”

C3: Public access supports the development of generative digital literacies associated with hyperlinked media, while mobile access supports everyday social literacies.

Two claims addressed how things could be:

C4: Teens can use a combination of mobile and public access Internet resources to participate in generative social networks (though not all do so).

C5: PAV operators can improve venue rules and skills to encourage the complementary use of the mobile Internet.

The full post can be found here.


Full report


Two-page brief