Most public access users are either students or employed
In the last post on public access venue user findings, we discussed that while many of the users are young and male, that is not the complete picture. Public access venues serve people of all ages, and women frequent public access venues as well. Let’s take a look at their occupation status.
Most public access venue users are either students or employed
Percentage of students & employed; Sciadas, G., with Lyons, H., Rothschild, C., & Sey, A. (2012)
As illustrated above, most public access users are either employed or students. In Bangladesh and Ghana, we see that over 50% of public access venue users report that they are students. In Brazil, over 50% of public access venue users are employed. This is interesting to keep in mind as subsequent findings are released. If most users are students or employed, how does that affect usage and perceived impacts? Is use affected by occupation? Does employment make a difference in perceived impacts? These are a few of the questions we’ll be discussing in upcoming posts.