Pizza and ICTD discourse analysis
This Friday join Ricardo Gomez, Fernando Baron, and Brittany Fiore-Sifvast for a coding pizza party. Help code a slew research papers on information and communication technologies for development, as part of an ongoing iSchool study — ICTD Narratives Study, 2000-2010 — that explores a decade of ICTD discourse. Results may be presented at the ICTD2012 conference next in Atlanta.
In exchange for your time and insight we will offer eternal glory, hands on participation in research, and yummy precursor to Friday’s happy hour. If you’re interested, please send Ricardo an email (otherwise the people-pizza ratio may be suboptimal!).
April 29, 3:30-5:30 pm
COM 302 computer
You can review our research instrument. Research questions include:
- What are the notions of development and of the relationship between ICT and society in the dominant ICTD literature?
- How have they changed over the past decade?
- What is the nature of the contribution to the field of ICTD research?
- What are the preferred epistemology, ontology, & research methods?
Three threads to explore:
- Analysis of narratives in the academic literature
- Milestones in the ICTD timeline (1995-2010)
- Key documents in industry, donor, and international organizations (if possible)
- 2000-2010 issues of ITID, ITD, EJISDC, IJICTHD, JOCI journals, as well as ICTD conferences
- ID, IT&P, IFIP 9.4 (if possible)
ICTD Conferences
2010 London
2009 Doha
2007 Bangalore
2006 Berkeley
IFIP 9.4 Computers & Society