The use of participatory mapping in ethnobiological research, biocultural conservation, and community empowerment: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon

April 29, 2021

Mauris viverra eleifend pretium. Fusce semper pellentesque erat, sit amet congue risus auctor non. Ut quis facilisis nisl, at auctor enim. Maecenas in orci venenatis, rutrum nisl id, iaculis dolor. Nulla vel mattis arcu, eu fringilla nibh. Praesent id enim imperdiet, porta mauris non, dictum ante. Vivamus nec lorem ante.

The new knowledge politics of digital colonialism

Disinformation as the weaponization of cruel optimism: A critical intervention in misinformation studies

Volunteer geographic information in the Global South: barriers to local implementation of mapping projects across Africa

The world is awash in data—by 2020 it is expected that there will be approximately 40 trillion gigabytes of data in existence, with that number doubling every 2 to 3 years. However, data production is not equal in all places—the global data landscape remains heavily concentrated on English-speaking, urban, and relatively affluent locations within the…

Data challenges for public libraries: African perspectives and the social context of knowledge

This article sheds light on the collection and use of data by libraries in sixteen countries across Africa. It highlights the challenges that librarians and library organizations face in gathering, analyzing, and presenting data of various types for self-advocacy. In this study, qualitative data from a meeting of library representatives was analyzed to identify main…

Environmental colonialism, digital indigeneity, and the politicization of resilience

Rural digital geographies and new landscapes of social resilience

The state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles

Public Libraries and Development Across Sub-Saharan Africa: Overcoming a Problem of Perception

Public libraries and development organizations share many common goals that make them strong potential partners in the Global South. In spite of these commonalities, libraries are often overlooked as development partners. This is unfortunate because these partnerships could allow librarians to more fully and effectively participate in the development of their communities. This paper explores…

Understanding the Links Between ICT Skills Training and Employability: An Analytical Framework

This article proposes an analytical framework to better understand the role that information and communication technology (ICT) skills play in improving employment opportunities for low-income groups. It draws on research conducted with more than 70 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) that provide ICT training and other employment services in 30 countries around the world. It explores the…