Loose strands: Searching for evidence of the impacts of public access to information and communication technologies

August 25, 2022

Managing the cost of mobile communications in Ghana

Creating a Digital Bridge: Lessons and Policy Implications from a Technology Access and Distribution Program for Low-income Job Seekers

October 13, 2021

In the United States, lower income households, significantly less likely to have a computer or internet at home, were disproportionately impacted by the historic job losses in the Spring of 2020. In response, a Seattle-based workforce development nonprofit in partnership with the City of Seattle launched a program called Digital Bridge. The program distributed 197…

Digital Skill Sets for Diverse Users: A Comparison Framework for Curriculum and Competencies

April 29, 2021

The City of Seattle’s Digital Equity Initiative provides a roadmap to reach the City of Seattle’s vision to become a more digitally equitable city, where technology’s opportunities equitably empower all residents and communities. The City, in partnership with TASCHA, developed a set of Digital Equity Indicators that helps measure Seattle’s progress in meeting the initiative’s…

Open Data Publishing by Public Libraries

Bridging the e-Skills gap in Central and Eastern Europe: The Growth of e-Skills and Employability initiatives in the Newly Expanded European Union

The European Union faces a labor gap that threatens its goal of becoming a world leader in the knowledge economy and challenges social inclusion and economic modernization — especially with the recent admission of ten Central and East European countries. This study examines the relationship between basic ICT skills (or e-skills) and employability, focusing on…

Showcasing e-Inclusion initiatives and the role of the Third Sector in the European Union

Understanding the contribution of basic ICT skills training to improve the employment opportunities of low skilled groups in Washington State

Activism in 140 characters: Twitter and Social Movements

The role of ICT skills training in advancing employability outcomes for immigrant women in Europe