Understanding the links between ICT skills and Employability: An Analytical Framework

April 29, 2021

From “the end user is the message” to “the interaction is the message”: Proposing mediated action as a framework for analyzing the role of ICTs in development

The role of digital competences in advancing the employability of immigrant women in the European Union

The objective of this study is to understand the contribution of digital competences to advance the employability of immigrant women in five European Union countries: Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, Hungary, and Romania (as a source country). Based on a survey to three-hundred and fifty-one immigrant women, one hundred local women (as a control group), and…

Corporations, NGOs and IT Training: Blending private and nonprofit approached to achieving socio-economic outcomes

Information Needs and Watering Holes

Information needs and watering holes: public access to information and ICT in 25 countries

Libraries, Telecentres and Cybercafes: a study of public access venues around the world.

This paper offers early insight into ongoing research comparing public access venues such as libraries, cybercafés and telecenters in 25 countries around the world. We study information needs and uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) in these public access venues, with a particular focus on underserved populations. Understanding trends, differences and similarities across venues…

Free access to computers and the Internet at public libraries: International reflections on outcomes and methods

ICTD evaluation 20/20: Voices from around the world

Measuring indirect access: Indicators of the impacts of lay information mediary behavior