Project in Vietnam uses Open Data Kit (ODK) for data collection

We recently launched a project that is looking at public internet access and use in Vietnam. One of the main objectives of the study is to understand the role library-like institutions, such as cultural post offices in Vietnam, play in providing public access to information and communication technologies (ICTs). Surveying public access venues, users, and non-users to gather data about public access in Vietnam is a critical component of the study.

While critical to answering our research questions, collecting data on a large scale like in this project can be challenging. As such, we are excited to employ a different method of data collection in this study, using the Open Data Kit (ODK), developed here at the University of Washington’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Using Android-based tablets, researchers in the field will implement the surveys and collect data through ODK.

At TASCHA, we are always looking for innovative ways to conduct our research, particularly methods and approaches that lend themselves to open research and open data. ODK certainly fits the bill, as an open-source set of tools. And, of course, support our fellow University of Washington colleagues.

Learn more about the project in Vietnam

Learn more about the Open Data Kit (ODK)