Marika Cifor

Marika Cifor

Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, University of Washington
(206) 221-8115

Marika Cifor is Assistant Professor in the Information School and adjunct faculty in Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies at the University of Washington. She is a feminist scholar of archival studies and digital studies. Her research investigates how individuals and communities marginalized by gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, and HIV-status are represented and how they document and represent themselves in archives and digital cultures.

Cifor is the author of Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (University of Minnesota Press, 2022). In Viral Cultures, she examines the archives that keep the history and work of AIDS activism alive. Her archival ethnography details how contemporary activists, artists, and curators utilize these records to build upon the cultural legacy of 1980s and 1990s American AIDS activism to challenge the conditions of injustice that undergird current AIDS crises. She analyzes the power structures through which these archives are mediated, positioning vital nostalgia as both a critical faculty and a generative practice, reanimating the past in the digital age.

Cifor has published widely in critical information studies, gender and sexuality studies, and American studies on topics including affect and archives, feminist data studies, and community-based information practices. Cifor co-edited a 2018 special issue of Archival Science on Affect and the Archive, a 2019 issue of the Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies on Neoliberalism, and a 2020 special issue of First Monday on HIV/AIDS and Digital Media.

At the iSchool, Cifor is co-founder of AfterLab and affiliated with the DataLab and the Technology and Social Change (TASCHA) group. She is also a member of the interdisciplinary Border Quants: Feminist Approaches to Data, Bodies and Technologies Across Borders research team she is working to develop feminist data studies.

Affiliate Positions

Affiliate Faculty, AfterLab, Information School
Affiliate Faculty, DataLab, Information School
Affiliate Faculty, Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA), Information School

Research Areas

Archives and Record Management
Digital Studies
Gender and Technology


Ph D, University of California, Los Angeles, 2017
MA, Simmons College, 2012
MS, Simmons College, 2012
BA, Mills College, 2007
Viral Cultures: Activist Archives at the End of AIDS (2022)Authors: Marika Cifor
The information practices of law enforcement: passive and active collaboration and its implication for Sanctuary laws in Washington State (2021)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), vol. 72, no. 11, pp. 1354-1366Authors: Yubing Tian, Ricardo Gomez, Marika Cifor, James Wilson, Henry Morgan
What is Remembered Lives’: Time and the Disruptive Animacy of Archiving AIDS on Instagram (2021)Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media TechnologiesAuthors: Marika Cifor
No: Critical Refusal as Feminist Data Practice (2020)Authors: P. Garcia, T. Sutherland, Marika Cifor, A. S. Chan, L. Klein, C. D'Ignazio, N. Salehi
Reclaiming HIV/AIDS in Digital Studies (2020)First MondayAuthors: Marika Cifor, Cait McKinney
Throughlines: Social Injustice and Activism in Los Angeles (2020)Authors: Marika Cifor, B. Paris
Special Issue on HIV/AIDS and Digital Media (2020)First Monday, vol. 25, no. 10Authors: Marika Cifor, Cait McKinney
Reclaiming HIV/AIDS in Digital Media Studies (2020) First Monday, vol. 25, no. 10Authors: Marika Cifor, Cait McKinney
The Cost of Entry: Internships in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums Education. (2020)Authors: Marika Cifor, B. Watson
Gendered by Design: A Duoethnographic Study of Personal Fitness Tracking Systems (2020)ACM Transactions on Social Computing (TSC), vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1-22Authors: Marika Cifor, Patricia Garcia
What We Mean When We Say #AbolishBigData2019 (2019)MediumAuthors: Mytha Anthym, Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez, Kaylan Baxter, Paulette Blanc, B. Buchanan, Matthew Bui, Sumandro Chattapadhyay, Marika Cifor, Roderic Crooks, Taylor Cruz, Mia Dawson, Jay Dev, Joan Donovan, Jamie Garcia, Julia Gelfand, Chris Gilliard, Ben Green, Harry Hvdson, Lilly Irani, Hamid Khan, Nadia Khan, Jenny Korn, Lisa Martinez, Bill Maurer, Carolina Mayes, Amanda Meng, Mu00e9lanie Millette, Sara Milkes, Florence Millerand, Yeshimabeit Milner, Akua Nkansah-Amankra, , Benedict Salazar Olgado, Aitanna Parker, Lucy Pei, Kylie Peppler, Winifred Poster, Stevie Rea, Allissa Richardson, Charmaine Runes, Mariella Saba, Zithri Saleem, Gwen Shaffer, Yvonne Sherwood, Janine Slaker, Toby Smith, Meme Styles, Tonia Sutherland, Lolita Tabron, Rebecca Widom, Stacey Wood
Duoethnography: A Feminist Methodology for Examining Socio-Technical Systems (2019)Authors: P. Garcia, Marika Cifor
Evidences, Implications, and Critical Interrogations of Neoliberalism in Information Studies: An Introduction (2019)Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, vol. 2, no. 1Authors: Jamie Lee, Marika Cifor
Expanding Our Reflexive Toolbox: Collaborative Possibilities for Examining Socio-Technical Systems Using Duoethnography (2019)Authors: P. Garcia, Marika Cifor
Feminist Data Manifest-No (2019)Authors: Marika Cifor, Patricia Garcia, T. Cowan, Jasmine Rault, Tonia Sutherland, Anita Chan, Jennifer Rode, Anna Hoffmann, Niloufar Salehi, Lisa Nakamura
Inscribing Gender: A Duoethnographic Examination of Gendered Values in Fitness Tracker Design (2019)Authors: Marika Cifor, P. Garcia
Early African American Film Database: Reconstructing the History of Silent Race Films, 1909-1930 (2018)The Journal of Open Humanities DataAuthors: Marika Cifor, H. Girma, W. Lam, S. Norman, Miriam Posner
Generative Tensions: Building a Digital Project on Early African American Race Film (2018)American Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 709-713Authors: Miriam Posner, Marika Cifor
Imagining Transformative Spaces: The Personal-Political Sites of Community Archives (2018)Archival Science, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 73-93Authors: M. Caswell, J. Gabiola, J. Zavala, G. Brilmyer, Marika Cifor
Stains and Remains: Liveliness, Materiality and the Archival Lives of Queer Bodies (2018)Authors: Marika Cifor
The Economization of Life, by Michelle Murphy (2018)Information and Culture, vol. 53, no. 3-4, pp. 374-376Authors: Marika Cifor
‘What We Do Crosses Over to Activism’: The Politics and Practice of Community Archives (2018)The Public Historian, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 69-95Authors: Marika Cifor, M. Caswell, A. Migoni, N. Geraci
Critical Feminism in the Archives (2017)Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, vol. 1, no. 2Authors: Marika Cifor, S. Wood
Stains and Remains: Liveliness, Materiality and the Archival Lives of Queer Bodies (2017)Australian Feminist Studies, vol. 91-92, pp. 5-21Authors: Marika Cifor
Towards an Archival Critique: Opening Possibilities for Addressing Neoliberalism in the Archival Field (2017)Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies, vol. 1, no. 1Authors: Marika Cifor, J. Lee
Tracing a Community of Practice: A Database of Early African-American Race Film (2017)The Moving Image, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 101-105Authors: Marika Cifor, H. Girma, W. Lam, S. Norman, Miriam Posner
‘A Process Where We’re All at the Table’: Community Archives Challenging Dominant Modes of Archival Practice (2017)Archives and Manuscripts, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 202-215Authors: J. Zavala, M. Caswell, A. Migoni, N. Geraci, Marika Cifor
Acting Up, Talking Back: TITA, TIARA, and the Value of Gossip (2016)InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, vol. 12, no. 1Authors: Marika Cifor
Affect and the Archive, Archives and their Affects: An Introduction to the Special Issue (2016)Archival Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-6Authors: Marika Cifor, A. Gilliland
Affecting Relations: Introducing Affect Studies to Archival Discourse (2016)Archival Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 7-31Authors: Marika Cifor
Aligning Bodies: Collecting, Arranging, and Describing Hatred for a Critical Queer Archives (2016)Library Trends, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 756-775Authors: Marika Cifor
From Human Rights to Feminist Ethics: Radical Empathy in the Archives (2016)Archivaria, vol. 81, pp. 23-83Authors: M. Caswell, Marika Cifor
Introduction to Special Issue on Gender in Education and Information Studies: Interrogating Knowledge Production, Social Structures and Equitable Access (2016)InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, vol. 12, no. 1Authors: S. Wood, Marika Cifor, L. Illano
Introduction to Spring 2016 Issue (2016)InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, vol. 12, no. 2Authors: S. Wood, Marika Cifor, L. Illano
‘To Be Able to Imagine Otherwise’: A Framework for Understanding the Impact of Community Archives (2016)Archives and Records, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 5-26Authors: M. Caswell, A. Migoni, Marika Cifor, N. Geraci
‘To Suddenly Discover Yourself Existing’: Uncovering the Affective Impact of Community Archives (2016)The American Archivist, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 56-81Authors: M. Caswell, Marika Cifor, M. Ramirez
Ephemeral Material: Queering the Archive, by Alana Kumbier (2015)Archival IssuesAuthors: Marika Cifor
Presence, Absence, and Victoria’s Hair: Affect and Embodiment in Trans Archives (2015)TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 645-649Authors: Marika Cifor
Feminist and Queer Information Studies Reader, edited by Patrick Keilty and Rebecca Dean (2014)InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, vol. 10, no. 2Authors: Marika Cifor
Home and Oral Histories (2014)Authors: Marika Cifor
Mobilizing Records: Re-Framing Archival Description to Support Human Rights (2014)Archival Science, vol. 14, pp. 397-414Authors: S. Wood, K. Carbone, Marika Cifor, A. Gilliland, R. Punzalan
Serving LGBTIQ Library and Archives Users, edited by Ellen Greenblatt (2013)Archival Issues, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 55-56Authors: Marika Cifor
Editorial Statement (2012)Authors: Marika Cifor, J. Deshayes, A. Peaker, F. Sattar, S. Struble, V. Vega
Narrating from the Archive, by Marco Codebò (2011)The American Archivist, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 702-705Authors: Marika Cifor
The Ethical Archivist, by Elena S. Danielson (2011)NEA Newsletter, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 26Authors: Marika Cifor
ACT UP Los Angeles History Capsule ()Authors: Marika Cifor, W. Corrigan, S. Montoya, B. Paris
Early African American Film: Reconstructing the History of Silent Race Films, 1909-1930 ()Authors: M. Berry, Marika Cifor, K. Contreras, H. Girma, W. Lam, S. Norman, Miriam Posner, A. Yoshika
Mediating Queer and Trans Pasts: The Homosaurus as Queer Information Activism () Information, Communication & Society (iCS)Authors: Marika Cifor, K.J. Rawson
Affect ()Authors: Marika Cifor
No! Refusing Harmful Data Practices at Generation, Collection, and Use ()Authors: P. Garcia, N. Salehi, T. Sutherland, Marika Cifor, A. Singh
On Digital Models: Responding to Viral Metaphors in Pandemic Times ()Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, TechnoscienceAuthors: C. McKinney, Marika Cifor
Queer Classification: Homosaurus Edition ()Authors: Marika Cifor, J. Colbert, C. Kronk, K.J. Rawson, B. Watson
Revisiting A Feminist Ethics of Care in Archives: Introductory Note. ()Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies 3Authors: M. Caswell, Marika Cifor
Gendered by Design: A Duoethnographic Study of Personal Fitness Tracking Systems ()Authors: Marika Cifor, Patricia Garcia
“Certainly there are many sorts of truth in the universe”: Exclusions to the Universal in the Kinsey Institute’s Classification Prectices ()Authors: Marika Cifor, R. Montoya, B. Watson
Affect ()Authors: Marika Cifor

Scaling Community Through Archives: A National Program to Expand Community Archives (2024)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $399,485Collaborators: Marika Cifor (Principal), Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal), Cindy Aden (Co-Principal), Sandra Littletree (Co-Principal)

This Site is Fake Dot Com: A novel resource for teaching information literacy and a community model to support it (2024)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $249,884Collaborators: Stacey Wedlake (Principal), Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal)

Building Resistance to Cancer Nutrition Misinformation through an Escape Room Game Intervention (2023)

Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) RO1 grant through Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterAmount: $94,560Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Center for an Informed Public – Hewlett Foundation Renewal (2022)

Funder: William and Flora Hewlett FoundationAmount: $600,000Collaborators: Catharine Starbird (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Investigator), Emma Spiro (Co-Investigator), Jevin West (Co-Investigator), Ryan Calo (Co-Investigator)

Expanding Public Capacity for Community Cellular Networks (2022)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator)

ALA E-Rate Research (2022)

Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Principal)

LIS Forward: Shaping Future Directions for LIS in iSchools — Outreach and Engagement (2022)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $149,832Collaborators: Carole Palmer (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)

Misinformation Escape Room: Building a research agenda for a gamified approach to combating health misinformation (2022)

Funder: University of Washington Population Health InitiativeAmount: $24,914Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Principal), Kolina Koltai (Co-Principal), Rachel Moran (Co-Principal), Julie Kientz (Co-Principal)

Valuing Library and Archives Labor: Assessing Internship and Fellowship Implications for the Library and Archives Community (2021)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $318,989Collaborators: Marika Cifor (Principal)

Supporting the Development of Digital Playful Exploratory Resources to Combat Mis/disinformation through Online Intergenerational Co-design (2021)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $249,917Collaborators: Jason Yip (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Investigator), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Investigator)

E-Rate Commitments: Utilization, Trends, and Impacts on Public Libraries, 2016-2020 (2021)

Funder: American Library Association (ALA)Amount: $29,839Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Principal), Bree Norlander (Co-Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal)

The Community Archives Center for Tacoma (2021)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through Tacoma Public Library (Total award: $247,545)Amount: $56,423Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Marika Cifor (Co-Principal), Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal)

SCC-IRG Track 2: Innovations for Community-held Infrastructure (2021)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Investigator), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator), Franziska Roesner (Co-Investigator), Spencer Sevilla (Co-Investigator)

Co-Designing Civic Education for the Circumpolar North (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $300,000)Amount: $263,000Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Michelle Koutnik (Co-Principal), Nadine Fabbi (Co-Principal)

Co-designing for Trust: Reimagining Online Information Literacies with Underserved Communities (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $5,000,000)Amount: $2,740,223Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Shaun Glaze (Co-Principal), Ahmer Arif (Co-Principal), Jevin West (Co-Investigator), Katharine Davis (Co-Investigator)

Digital Navigators Program (2021)

Funder: Washington State Office of Minority and Women’s Business EnterprisesAmount: $34,157Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal), Stacey Wedlake (Co-Principal)

Co-designing for Trust: Reimagining Online Information Literacies with Underserved Communities (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)Amount: $750,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Katharine Davis (Co-Principal)

Centering Washington Tribal Libraries: Building Relationships and Understanding Libraries From the Stories of Their Communities (2021)

Funder: Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Amount: $82,000Collaborators: Sandra Littletree (Principal), Cindy Aden (Co-Principal)

Misinformation Escape Room: Supporting Libraries as Hubs for Misinformation Education (2021)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Amount: $249,691Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Principal)

Co-Designing Protocols for Data Creation, Analysis, and Use Among Local Care Networks in Seattle and Boston to Enhance Disaster Resilience (2020)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)Amount: $49,997Collaborators: Nicholas Weber (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Carole Palmer (Co-Principal)

Connecting Rural and Small Libraries to Connected Learning (2020)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) (Total award: $427,062)Amount: $284,259Collaborators: Katharine Davis (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Mega Subramaniam (Co-Principal)

Representing Gender and Race in COVID-19: A Critical Information and Data Studies Approach to Pandemic Data, COVID Dashboards, and Discourses of Equity and Justice (2020)

Collaborators: Anna Hoffmann (Principal), Marika Cifor (Co-Principal), Megan Finn (Co-Principal)

Sanctuary Laws Are Not Optional: Examining Immigration Information Flows to Monitor Law Enforcement Compliance with Sanctuary Laws in Washington (2020)

Funder: University of Washington Royalty Research Fund (RRF)Amount: $39,975Collaborators: Marika Cifor (Principal), Ricardo Gomez (Co-Principal)

Female Leadership Research Methodology (2020)

Funder: Ernst and Young, LLPAmount: $1,500Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Principal)

Blending/Merging Research and STEM Education for Gender-Inclusive Technology Development in Ghana (2020)

Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Principal)


Collaborators: Kat Chung (Co-Investigator)

Digital Literacy Skills (2020)

Funder: Seattle Jobs InitiativeAmount: $5,000Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Principal)

Exploring Physically Distant Technology Access and Assistance to Support Workers in a New Economy (2020)

Funder: University of Washington Population Health InitiativeAmount: $18,699Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal), Stacey Wedlake (Co-Principal), Matthew Houghton (Co-Principal), Meghan Sebold (Co-Principal), David Keyes (Co-Principal), Ryan Davis (Co-Principal)

Leveraging Use of Open Data by Public Library Staff for Community Benefit (2020)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $100,000Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Principal), Bree Norlander (Co-Principal)

COVID Data Infrastructure Builders: Creating Resilient and Sustainable Research Collaborations (2020)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)Amount: $91,013Collaborators: Megan Finn (Principal)

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity in The New Arctic (2020)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $250,000)Amount: $26,835Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal), Spencer Sevilla (Co-Principal)

Enabling Small-Scale Cooperative Cellular Networks for Distributed Internet Access (2020)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Investigator), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)

Funder: AARP WashingtonAmount: $15,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)

Funder: Boeing Employees' Credit Union (BECU)Amount: $75,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)

Funder: Craig Newmark PhilanthropiesAmount: $100,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)

Funder: Craig Newmark PhilanthropiesAmount: $1,000,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

Center for an Informed Society at the University of Washington – Hewlett Foundation (2019)

Funder: William and Flora Hewlett FoundationAmount: $600,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2019)

Funder: Microsoft Amount: $150,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

Digital Equity Initiative – Digital Skills Project (2018)

Funder: City of Seattle Department of Information TechnologyAmount: $20,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2018)

Funder: John S. and James L. Knight FoundationAmount: $5,000,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)

UW iSchool Strategic Research Fund (2018)

Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal)

Baseline Study of African Public Library Environment (2016)

Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $2,500,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Data literacy development in Myanmar (2016)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal), Sara Curran (Co-Principal)

Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative (2015)

Funder: International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)Amount: $349,538Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)

Nostalgia and the Archival Records of HIV/AIDS (2015)

Collaborators: Marika Cifor (Principal)

TASCHA Legacy Grant (2015)

Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $15,918,283Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Mike Crandall (Co-Principal)

Research Roadmap for Strengthening the Library Field (2014)

Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $760,577Collaborators: Michael Crandall (Principal)

Library Development Support in Myanmar (2014)

Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $349,996Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal)

Global Impact Study: Outreach and Engagement (2013)

Funder: International Development Research CentreAmount: $124,614Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Gates – Aman (2013)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Evaluation of Namibia’s Regional Study and Resource Centers (RSRCs) (2013)

Funder: Millennium Challenge CoprporationAmount: $276,615Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

The role of Cultural Post Offices in the provision of public access technology services in Vietnam (2013)

Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $500,000Collaborators: Araba Sey (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal)

TASCHA Core Operating fund (2013)

Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $1,000,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

iSchool Research Seed Funding (2013)

Collaborators: Araba Sey (Principal)

Advancing Democracy and Producing Transformation in Information and Technology for Burma (2013)

Funder: US Agency for International DevelopmentAmount: $1,500,000Collaborators: Mary Callahan (Principal), Sara Curran (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)

Measuring the impact of eInclusion actors in the European Union (2012)

Funder: Institute for Prospective Technology StudiesAmount: $7,000Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Principal)

Mapping eInclusion actors in the European Union (2012)

Funder: Institute for Prospective Technology StudiesAmount: $33,000Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Gabriel Rissola (Co-Principal)

Microsoft CIS Gift Fund (2012)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Civil Society 2.0 – Georgia (2012)

Funder: East-West Management Institute, Inc.Amount: $60,096Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

GLDI Stakeholder Research (2011)

Funder: International Research and Exchanges BoardAmount: $46,440Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Exploratory Study on explanations and theories of how Telecentres and other community based eInclusion actors operate and have an impact on digital and social inclusion policy goals (2011)

Funder: European Union Delegation of the European Commission to the United StatesAmount: $33,205Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Principal), Araba Sey (Co-Principal)

Sithi 2.0: Mainstreaming Government Accountability Project (2011)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal)

Technology and Social Change Group Support (2011)

Funder: Microsoft CorporationAmount: $250,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal)

Framework for Digitally Inclusive Communities (2011)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

ICT to support everyday life integration of immigrants or ethnic minority people (IEM) (2011)

Funder: Institute for Progressive Technology Studies, European UnionAmount: $36,000Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Principal), Adela Ros (Principal)

CIS Monitoring & Evaluation Dissemination 2010: Supplement (2010)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Digital Inclusion Framework (2010)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 4– Unlimited Potential (2010)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal)

IDRC Supplement Revised Budget (2009)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Supplement to ICT and Public Access: Investigating the Social and Economic Impact of Public Access to Information and Communication Technologies (2009)

Funder: International Development Research CentreAmount: $4,065,008Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Beth Kolko (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal)

CIS Monitoring and Evaluation 1 FY 2009-2011 (2009)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal)

CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 2: e-Skills, Employment, and Immigrant Women in the European Union (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal)

CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 3-Latin America (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal)

CIS Capacity Building–Gated Foundation (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Information and Communication Technologies for International Development Research Overview (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

FY 09 Microsoft CIS Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

CIS Australia Supplement (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Landscape of Public Access ICT in Developing Countries (2008)

Funder: Gates FoundationCollaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Ricardo Gomez (Co-Principal)

Research on technology use by people with disabilities in Latin American (2008)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Center for Internet Studies Research FY 08 (2007)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

ICT and Public Access: Investigating the Social and Economic Impact of Public Access to Information and Communication Technologies (2007)

Funder: International Development Research CentreCollaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Research on Library Systems and the Environment for Public Access to ICT in Selected Countries (2007)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Robert Mason (Co-Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal), Karine Nahon (Co-Principal)

Center for Internet Studies Research FY 08 (2007)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Unlimited Potential evaluation project (2005)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Role of the university in information technologies for development in Asia (2005)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Building an Internet studies program in the Philippines (2004)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Fund for innovation & redesign: Interdisciplinary program in humanitarian relief (2004)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Establishing an Asia-Pacific network of Internet studies programs (2003)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Nonprofit technology leadership program (2002)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Elaine Chang (Co-Principal)

Outsourcing industry for developing countries in Asia (2002)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)

Planning grant to establish the Internet Political economy Forum (2000)

Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)
The Feminist Data Manifest-NO and Doing Data Justice
Social Analysis of Computing, Department of Informatics, University of California Irvine - Irvine, CA
Using the Feminist Data Manifest-NO to Transform Information Studies Pedagogy
Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) - Prague, Czech Republic
Gendered by Design: A Duoethnographic Study of Personal Fitness Tracking Systems’s Virtual #CHIversity2020 Series - Virtual
Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (2022)
Dartmouth College - Virtual
Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (2022)
Simmons University - Virtual
Marika L. Cifor & Joseph Osmundson (Book Talk) (2022)
Elliot Bay Book Company - Seattle, WA (virtual)
Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (2022)
Department of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies (GWSS Spring 2022 Colloquium Series) - Seattle, WA (virtual)
Viral Cultures: Activist Archiving in the Age of AIDS (2021)
Archival Technologies Lab (CUNY) - Virtual
Going Viral: Mobilizing AIDS Archives in Digital Culture (2021)
Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (University of Toronto) - Virtual
Queer Archives: The Work of Critical Cataloging and Queer Archival Labor (2021)
Visual Resources Center, University of Chicago - Virtual
‘The Archive is a Place Where Things Go to Live’: Preservation and Power in Visual AIDS’ New Media Archiving (2021)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) - Virtual
Affect, Bodies and Records (2021)
Personal Archives, Information School, University of British Columbia - British Columbia, Canada
Ethics in and of the Digital AIDS Archives (2020)
Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies Colloquium Series, University of Washington. *Talk cancelled due to COVID-19. - Seattle, WA
Reclaiming AIDS in Digital Media Studies (2020)
American Studies Association Annual Conference *Conference cancelled due to COVID-19. - Baltimore, MD
Archives and Community Engagement Practices (2020)
Community Engagement Strategies in Information Science, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
An Archival Cure: Remedy, Care, and Curation of HIV-Positive Artists' Records with the Visual AIDS Archive Project (2020)
UCLA Department of Information Studies Colloquium Series - Virtual
Beyond Medical Cure: Remedy, Care, and Curation of HIV-Positive Artists Records with the Visual AIDS Archive Project (2020)
University of Arizona iSchool Colloquium Series - Virtual
Digital Surveillance, Privacy, and Preservation in Community-based Archives (2020)
Visual AIDS - Virtual
Feminist Data Manifest-No (2020)
The Refusal Conference, UC Berkeley's Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Working Group (AFOG) - Virtual
Introducing Emerging Researchers to Publishing in LIS (2020)
Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting - Virtual
Publishing Special Issues and Developmental Editing for New Archival Scholars (2020)
Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists and the Society of American Archivists - Chicago, IL
Cure and the AIDS Archives: Activism and Survival in Visual AIDS' Archive Project (2020)
Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) *Conference cancelled due to COVID-19. - Philadelphia, PA
Feminist Data: Refuse, Reform, Reimagine, Revolt (2020)
Allied Media Conference - Virtual
Nostalgia in and for Archives (2020)
Theory and Politics of Collecting, Department of Information Studies, University of California Los Angeles - Los Angeles, CA
Archives, Human Rights, and Social Justice (2020)
Information and Social Justice, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Gendered by Design: A Duoethnographic Study of Personal Fitness Tracking Systems (2020)
ACM CHI 2020 Journals - Honolulu, HI
Gender and Design (2020)
#CHIversity Virtual Talks, FemPowerTech. - Virtual
The Feminist Data Manifest-No (2020)
The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY). *Talk cancelled due to COVID-19. - New York, NY
Critical Archival Description (2020)
OntoGroup, iSchool, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Archive as Cure: Critical Nostalgia and HIV/AIDS in Visual AIDS’ Activist Archives (2020)
Department of Information Studies Colloquium Series, Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, University of California *Talk cancelled due to COVID-19 - Los Angeles, CA
The Archive is a Place Where Things Go to Live’: Preservation and Power in Visual AIDS (2020)
New Media Archiving. Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), - Denver, CO
Data Stains and Data Remains: The Epistemologies and Politics of Liveliness in Big Data Archives (2020)
"Theorizing Reuse" Seminar Series at the Copenhagen Business School - Copenhagen, Denmark
Feminist Data and Archival Ethics (2020)
Feminist Digital Humanities. Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen, Denmark
Archival Materiality and Data Reuse (2020)
Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School - Copenhagen, Denmark
Viral Cultures - Activist Archives at the End of AIDS (2020)
University of Copenhagen Uncertain Archives Research Group - Copenhagen, Denmark
Introducing and Activating The Feminist Data Manifest-NO (2020)
Data and Society - New York, NY
Lecture and Facilitation, Introducing and Activating the Feminist Data Manifest-NO (2020)
Data and Society - New York, NY
ACTing UP in the AIDS Archives: Gender, Race, and the (Un)Making of AIDS Histories (2019)
National Women’s Studies Association Conference - San Francisco, CA
"What is Remembered Lives": The Spatio-Temporal Disruption of Archiving AIDS on Instagram (2019)
Digital Geographies Series, University of Kentucky - Lexington, KY
Expanding Our Reflexive Toolbox: Collaborative Possibilities for Examining Socio-Technical Systems Using Duoethnography (2019)
22nd ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW '19) - Austin, TX
Archival Violences and Archiving Violence: Relationality, Accountability, and Sustainable Futures in Digital Archives (2019)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting - Honolulu, HI
The Violence of Loss: Survival and Justice in the Digital AIDS Archives (2019)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting - Honolulu, HI
Activist Archiving as Cure: Art, Activism, and Survival in the HIV/AIDS Archives (2019)
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa - Honolulu, HI
Archive as Cure: The Promises of Visual AIDS Activist Archiving (2019)
Memory Lives On: Documenting the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Conference - San Francisco, CA
Public Sharing, Private Lives: A Feminist Analysis of Tracking and Disclosing Health Data (2019)
Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) - New Orleans, LA
The Undetectable Archive: Curating for the Present and Future of AIDS (2019)
4th Annual Information + Humanities Conference - University Park, PA
Feminist Research Seminar on Feminist Data (2019)
Institute for Resaerch on Women and Gender, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Status = Undetectable: Curating for the Present and Future of AIDS (2019)
Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) - Liverpool, UK
Retro/Viral: Memory, (Dis)Identification, and the Economy of Archival Records on Tumblr (2019)
Memory Studies Association Conference - Madrid, Spain
Digital Archives and the Representation of Difficult Knowledge (2019)
Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Conference - Vancouver, BC
Duoethnography: A Feminist Methodology for Examining Socio-Technical Systems (2019)
ACM CHI 2019 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Glasgow, Scotland
Viral as Metaphor: HIV/AIDS and Digital Technology and Culture (2019)
Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) Conference - Vancouver, BC
#AIDSMemorial: Memory Resistance and the Disruptive Animacy of AIDS Archiving on Instagram (2019)
Gender, Bodies and Technology Conference - Roanoke, Virginia
#WhatIsRememberedLives: The Affective Politics of Archiving AIDS on Instagram (2019)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference - Seattle, Washington
Advancing Critical Information Scholarship on Archives, Digital Media, and Memory (2019)
University of Michigan School of Information - Ann Arbor, MI
Inscribing Gender: A Duoethnographic Examination of Gendered Values in Fitness Tracker Design (2019)
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 52 - Maui, Hawaii
Gender, Sexuality, and the Politics of Archival Representation (2018)
Representation and Organization, Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University - Bloomington, Indiana
The Classification of Sexuality at the Kinsey Institute for Sex Research (2018)
ASIS&T Special Interest Group/Classification Research Workshop - Vancouver, British Columbia
Viral Visions: Affect, Identification and the Curation of Archival Images on Tumblr (2018)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting - Atlanta, Georgia
Feminist Ethics for Digital Heritage: Applying a Feminist Ethics of Care to Digital Archives and Archiving to Redress Structural Inequities (2018)
DigitalHeritage 2018 - San Francisco, California
Feminist and Critical Theories in Information Studies Research (2018)
Introduction to Doctoral Research in Information Science, Department of Information and Library Science, Indiana University - Bloomington, Indiana
Viral Transmission: Affect, Disidentification and the Curation of AIDS Activist Archives on Tumblr (2018)
Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) - Sydney, Australia
An Archival Orientation to Managing Projects in the Digital Humanities (2018)
Information Services for Culturally Diverse Communities, School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Archival Temporalities on Display: Undetectability, Outreach, and Programming in AIDS Archives (2018)
Temporal Belongings International Conference - Edinburgh, Scotland
Viral Surveillance: HIV Status Disclosure, New Media, and the Criminalization of Difference (2018)
Biennial Surveillance Studies Network Conference - Aarhus, Denmark
HIV/AIDS Activism Then and Now: “In the Era of Silence=Death” (2018)
Bates College - Lewiston, Maine
Making HIV Visible: Representation, Embodiment and Stigma on Dating Apps (2018)
Society for Cinema and Media Studies Conference - Toronto, Canada
‘Your Nostalgia is Killing Me!’ ACT UP Nostalgia, Historical Narratives and their Meaning in the Present (2018)
Five College Women’s Studies Research Center - South Hadley, Massachusetts
Community Archives and Archiving (2018)
History in the Archives, History Department, Bowdoin College - Brunswick, Maine
Undetectability: HIV/AIDS Activism, Biomedical Development and Archival Consequences (2017)
American Studies Association Annual Meeting - Chicago, Illinois
Archives, New Media, and Activism: Advancing and Diversifying Feminist Digital Humanities Instruction and Scholarship (2017)
Stony Brook University - Stony Brook, New York
Trans Archives and Archiving Practices (2017)
Trans Studies in the Politics of Visibility, Gender and Sexuality Studies Department, Bates College - Lewiston, Maine
Undetectable: Representation, Temporality, and AIDS Archives (2017)
Northeast Popular Culture Association Conference - Amherst, Massachusetts
Fitness Trackers Through a Feminist Lens (2017)
Introduction to Digital and Computational Studies, Digital and Computational Studies Program, Bowdoin College - Brunswick, Maine
Information Studies, Archives, and Feminist Praxis (2017)
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program, Bowdoin College - Brunswick, Maine
The Biopolitics of Self-Quantification: Duoethnography and the Study of Wearable Devices (2017)
Society for the Social Studies of Science - Boston, Massachusetts
Throughlines: Exposing Activism and Social Justice Issues in Los Angeles Transportation History (2017)
Digital Humanities 2017 - Montreal, Canada
Stains and Remains: Liveliness, Materiality and the Archival Lives of Queer Bodies (2017)
Archival Education and Research Institute, University of Toronto - Toronto, Canada
Surveillance Countermeasures: Biopolitical Governance, Flawed Policing Reform and Resistance (2017)
2017 International Communications Association Pre-Conference on Media Justice: Race, Borders, Disability and Data - San Diego, California
Revealing and Building a Community of Practice: A Database of Early African- American Race Film (2017)
Documenting Cinema: Film Librarianship in the 21st Century - Los Angeles, California
Embodying Data: Duoethnography as a Feminist Methodology for Studying Wearables (2017)
Imagining Intersectional Futures: Feminist Approaches in CSCW Workshop, ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work - Portland, Oregon
Uncovering and Building a Community of Practice (2017)
Looking Backwards and Moving Onwards: Excavating Feminist Media Histories Symposium, University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
‘Your Nostalgia is Killing Me’: Activism, Affect and the Archives of HIV/AIDS (2017)
Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Poster Competition, Association for Library and Information Science Education - Atlanta, Georgia
Archiving Bodies: The Collection and Retention of Biometric Data and Refugee Identity (2016)
National Women’s Studies Association Conference - Montreal, Canada
‘A Hypochondria of the Heart’: Nostalgia, Activism, and the Archives of HIV/AIDS Activism (2016)
American Studies Association Annual Conference - Denver
Archival Description for Human Rights and Social Justice (2016)
Understanding Records and Archives: Principles and Practices, School of Information, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Michigan
Quantifying Sex: Technology, Capital, and Self in Live Cam Performances (2016)
Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting - Barcelona, Spain
Critical Feminism in the Archives (2016)
Archival Education and Research Institute, Kent State University - Kent, Ohio
Nostalgia and Artists’ Reuse of HIV/AIDS Activist Records (2016)
Emerging Research in Information Studies Panel, Los Angeles Archivists Collective - Los Angeles, California
The Critical Potential of Nostalgia (2016)
Archival Education and Research Institute, Kent State University - Kent, Ohio
Archives, Action, AIDS: Archival Collaborations with Visual AIDS (2016)
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Conference, Association of College and Research Libraries - Miami, Florida
Quantified Sex: Queer Archival Practices of Sexuality and Self (2016)
Queer Circuits in Archival Times: Experimentation and Critique of Networked Data, CUNY Graduate Center - New York, New York
Affect, Queer Theory and HIV/AIDS Archives (2016)
Emerging Queer Archives Scholarship Panel, Library and Archives OUTreach, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Blood, Sweat, and Hair: The Archival Potential of Queer and Trans Bodies (2016)
Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium, Simon Fraser University, - Vancouver, British Columbia
Community, Memory and Collaboration in AIDS Archives (2016)
Society of California Archivists Annual Meeting - Santa Rosa, California
Archives and Neoliberalism (2016)
Archives and Social Justice, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Developing an Undergraduate Information Studies Curriculum in Support of Social Justice (2016)
iConference 2016 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Teaching Information Literacy: Towards a Critical Pedagogical Practice in Information Studies (2016)
Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium, The University of Arizona - Tucson, Arizona
Archival Education for Social Justice: Changing the Conversation about Undergraduates and LIS (2016)
Association for Library and Information Science Education - Boston, Massachusetts
Critical Digital Literacy for Social Justice (2015)
Biased Data: A Panel Discussion on Intersectionality and Internet Ethics, Collaboration for Liberation in Technology Lab, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles
Presence, Absence, and Victoria’s Hair: Examining Affect, Containment, and Embodiment in Trans Archives (2015)
National Women’s Studies Association - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Interview Methods for Information Studies Research (2015)
Social Science Research Methodology, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Teaching Archival Literacy: The Challenges and Opportunities of Developing an Undergraduate Archival Studies Curriculum (2015)
Society of American Archivists Research Forum - Cleveland, Ohio
Educating for Social Justice: Developing an Undergraduate Archival Studies Curriculum (2015)
International Council on Archives Section on Archival Education and Training Conference, University of Maryland, College Park - College Park, Maryland
‘We Care! Do You?’: ACT UP Records, Feminist Ethics, and Radical Care (2015)
Archival Education and Research Institute, University of Maryland, College Park - College Park, Maryland
Archives, Feelings, Power (2015)
Information and Power, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Digital Archives (2015)
The Internet and Society, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Networks, Globalization, Activism, Slactivism (2015)
Introduction to Information Studies, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Harvey Milk’s Ponytail: The Affect of Intimacy in the Queer Archives (2014)
Affect and the Archive Symposium, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Love in the Archives: Examining Affective Labors in LGBTQ Archives (2014)
National Women’s Studies Association Conference - San Juan, Puerto Rico
Affect, Archives & Records (2014)
Information Structures, Information Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Aligning Bodies: Hatred as an Organizing Principle in LGBTQ Archives (2014)
Gender and Sexuality in Information Studies Colloquium - Toronto, Canada
Identifying Research Contributions of Archival Studies and Recordkeeping to Societal Grand Challenges: A Report from the AERI Grand Challenges Working Group (2014)
Society of American Archivists Research Forum - Washington, D.C.
Human Rights and Social Justice (2014)
Grand Challenges Plenary Session, Archival Education and Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Visceral Forces: Introducing Affect Studies to Archival Discourse (2014)
Archival Education and Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
That Other Hunger: Queering Lesbian Pulp Novels, Archives, and the Archival Record (2014)
Queer Practices, Places and Lives Symposium, The Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio
Oral History from the Inside: Documenting Activists from the June Mazer Lesbian Archives (2014)
Southwest Regional Oral History Association Conference - Tempe, Arizona
Queer Things: Lesbian Pulp Novels and the Archives (2014)
Why Things Matter Conference, California State University - Fullerton, California
Unnatural Intimacies: Deviance, Sexuality and the Historical Relationships of Lesbians and Prostitutes, 1935-1969 (2012)
Queer Practices, Places and Lives Symposium, The Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio
Unnatural Intimacies: Deviance, Sexuality and the Historical Relationships of Lesbians and Prostitutes, 1935-1969 (2012)
Gendered Borders and Queer Frontiers Conference, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin
The Body as Archive: Sexology, Science and the Historical Relationship of Lesbians and Prostitutes in the United States, 1869-1920 (2011)
New England Historical Association - Boston, Massachusetts
Documenting Sex(ualities) in the Archival Literature (2011)
Archives, Libraries, Museums and Special Collections, International GLBT Conference, University of California, Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California
Unnatural Intimacies: Deviance, Sexuality and the Historical Relationships of Lesbians and Prostitutes, 1935-1965 (2011)
Sallie Bingham Center for Women’s History and Culture, Duke University - Durham, North Carolina
Documenting Sex(ualities) in the Archival Literature (2011)
New England Archivists Spring Meeting - Providence, Rhode Island
Intimate Relations: An Examination of the Historical Relationship of Lesbians and Prostitutes in the United States, 1935-1965 (2011)
Gender, Sexuality and Urban Spaces Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, Massachusetts
Intimate Relations: An Examination of the Historical Relationship of Lesbians and Prostitutes in the United States, 1935-1965 (2011)
Women's and Gender History Symposium, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Continuity and Rupture: Abortion in Germany and the United States, 1918-1945 (2010)
University of Maine/University of New Brunswick International Graduate Student Conference - Orono, Maine