December 1: Developing a framework for Digitally Inclusive Communities to help improve access through collaborative action

November 18, 2011

TASCHA TALK: Samantha Becker & Rebecca Sears December 1,  2011 Rebecca Sears discussed TASCHA’s new project to develop a framework for digitally inclusive communities. In cooperation with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and as part of the U.S. National Broadband Plan, this framework will provide communities with a resource for assessing and…

TASCHA Research Seminar – analysis of Global Impact Study data

November 17, 2011

The TASCHA Winter 2012 Research Seminar focuses on analysis of data from the Global Impact Study. The Global Impact Study comprises a variety of research activities, including a comprehensive set of surveys of public access venue owners/operators, users, and non-users at more than a thousand public access venues in Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, and the Philippines. The result is a rich source of data on demographics, usage needs/behaviors, and services in these countries. The seminar will focus on analysis of the survey data and provide opportunities to participate in different aspects of the project from crunching numbers to reviewing related literature.

November 17: Evaluating the impact of public access technology in U.S. Libraries: The IMPACT Web Survey, a U.S. IMPACT Study project

November 4, 2011

TASCHA TALK: Cortney Leach November 17, 2011 Conducted in 2009, the U.S. IMPACT Study provided evidence that use of public access technology services offered at U.S. public libraries has a profound and measurable impact on individuals and communities. The IMPACT Survey project aims to extend the benefits of the study by making its patron web survey…

TASCHA Talk: Development and implementation of surveys

October 11, 2011

On October 20, 2011, Araba Sey and Chris Rothschild will discuss the development and implementation of the Global Impact Study surveys. The talk is part of the Technology and Social Change Group’s (TASCHA) TASCHA Talk series.

October 27: Development and implementation of the Global Impact Study surveys

October 10, 2011

TASCHA TALK: Araba Sey & Chris Rothschild October 27, 2011 The Global Impact Study surveys were designed to collect comparable data on uses and outcomes of public access ICT use in five countries on three continents. Araba and Chris reflected on a range of research design and project management issues encountered during various stages of the…

November 3: Report on Open Cambodia 2011

October 6, 2011

TASCHA TALK: Joe Sullivan November 3, 2011 In September 2011, members of TASCHA, Mozilla, Aspiration Technology, and the East West Management Institute convened “Open Cambodia 2011″ — an un-conference to mobilize makers/doers in Cambodia. The event brought together more than 100 open-source technologists, human rights activists, and civil society representatives to share their work and experiences….

Learning from outside the library: PLM 2011

October 5, 2011

Seven NGOs share innovative technology programs at the “Learning from outside the library” session at the Gates Foundation Global Libraries annual grantee peer learning meeting.

Innovation hubs and co-working

October 4, 2011

Innovation hubs and co-working spaces are flourishing. Community technology centers and libraries can ride this trend. Physical space offers important, often overlooked, value for people coming together around technology.

Policy & Technology: Edward Tufte at the Tech@State Data Visualization Event

September 25, 2011

Despite the title, Tufte’s keynote for the Tech@State event on data visualization was the same that he gave at a one-day workshop I attended in 1999. It was a brilliant talk then, and it’s still good now. It could have been better if Tufte addressed implementation. The how. The practice of creating good infographics for decisionmakers.

Using mobile technology to collect data

September 23, 2011

A few snippets from the “Mobile Technology and New Media: Trends and Opportunities” panel at the September 23 Tech@State event. No analysis. Just stuff I wanted to remember.