A dynamic approach to digital skills: Chris Coward’s remarks at Mobile Learning Week

March 28, 2018

Tuesday morning, TASCHA Director Chris Coward spoke at the “Defining and mainstreaming digital skills” plenary at Mobile Learning Week. You can read his remarks below and see Twitter reactions from the remarks. Learn more about TASCHA’s participation in Mobile Learning Week on our blog. A dynamic approach to digital skills Mobile Learning Week March 27,…

Mobile Information Literacy training in Nakuru, Kenya

March 26, 2018

During the week of March 12, in partnership with EIFL and Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), TASCHA Research Coordinator Stacey Wedlake conducted a training on Mobile Information Literacy to 20 librarians in Nakuru, Kenya. The training covered the Mobile Internet, how to safely choose and download apps, how to search and evaluate information on smartphones, and…

TASCHA looks forward to a week of Mobile Learning

The last week of March marks the annual Mobile Learning Week, UNESCO and the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) flagship ICT in education event. TASCHA’s Director Chris Coward and researchers Stacey Wedlake and Maria Garrido will be traveling to UNESCO’s headquarters in Paris to attend. The week long conference  is a chance for TASCHA researchers to learn…

New project explores mobile reading patterns across the globe

March 6, 2018

Starting last fall, a new project between between TASCHA, the Tableau Foundation, Worldreader, and the UW DataLab has been using big data analysis and visualization to unlock stories about mobile reading patterns across the globe. This dataset is particularly interesting to TASCHA, as we specialize in understanding how people are using new technological systems –…

Data for Decision Making completes first implementation in Myanmar

From November 27 – 29, the Myanmar Book Aid and Preservation Foundation (MBPAF) conducted the first full implementation of the Data for Decision Making curriculum in Yangon, Myanmar. The curriculum, developed collaboratively by TASCHA and MBAPF, builds the capabilities of research organizations, government ministries, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to collect, analyze, and use quality…

New TASCHA report summarizes data from P2PU survey

February 13, 2018

A new report, The learning circle experience: Findings from the P2PU participant survey, from Michelle Fellows examines free study groups organized for people to take online classes together and in-person, known as P2PU learning circles. P2PU’s work over the last two years has spawned 319 learning circles conducted across 89 cities in the United States, Canada, and Kenya….

Jason Young to present on ICT use in the arctic at Change Seminar

February 12, 2018

Jason Young will give a presentation, “Knowledge Politics Across Digital Divides: Environmental Change, Indigeneity, and Technology Use in the Arctic ,” to the UW Change seminar. When: Tuesday, Feb 13th, 12-1pm, Lunch provided Where: EEB 003 Abstract: Scholarly excitement around ICTD projects has long been tempered by the recognition that digital divides prevent the effects of technologies from being equal…

Maria Garrido to present DA2I research at UW Change Seminar

February 5, 2018

Maria Garrido will give a presentation, “The role of Access to Information in Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals,” to the UW Change seminar. Time: Noon-1pm (Lunch provided) Place: Mary Gates Hall room 206 Dr. Garrido’s talk will present how meaningful access to information is a fundamental requirement that underpins the achievement of the UN…

Maria Garrido to speak on panel “Innovation and inter-connectivity for social development”

January 29, 2018

This year the United Nation’s Commission for Social Development has recognized the topic “Towards sustainable and resilient societies: Innovation and inter-connectivity for social development” as an emerging issue for 2018. TASCHA researcher Maria Garrido was invited to join the Commission panel in New York to discuss how social policy can be re-examined to ensure that the…

Opportunity to study in Myanmar now OPEN!

January 22, 2018

Applications are now open for a new study abroad program to Myanmar directed by UW iSchool Assistant Professor Nic Weber and TASCHA’s Chris Rothschild. This program provides students a unique opportunity to visit Myanmar, which until 2011 was one of the world’s most politically isolated countries. Students will experience the rapidly transforming information and political environment through…