Digital revolutionaries: What’s your Plan B?

June 25, 2009

Farhad Manjoo wrote an article in Slate: The Revolution Will Not Be Digitized: How the Internet helps Iran silence activists. Consider this: According to the Wall Street Journal, Iran has one of the world’s most advanced surveillance networks. Us…

Libraries and ICTD

March 22, 2009

I’m on my way to Veracruz, Mexico to spend a week with Gates Foundation global library grantees for what they call the Peer Learning Meeting. Ever since we started studying libraries about 18 months ago I’ve been wondering, why is it that these institutions of information access haven’t registered on my ICTD radar in the […]

Compendium of ICTD project impact assessments

March 13, 2009

The Compendium on Impact Assessment of ICT-for-Development Projects, by Richard Heeks and Alemayehu Molla, is a valuable guide for researchers. The compendium reviews impact assessment methods and approaches, and includes detailed descriptions of eleven different frameworks.

ICT4D, ICTD, or what?

March 11, 2009

I’ve been re-thinking “ICT4D” and “ICTD” recently, and increasingly coming to the conclusion that I should avoid these terms in reference to the work CIS does in favor of something like “underserved communities and low resource environments” or other descriptor that avoids these acronyms. One of the problems with “ICT4D” is that it connotes different […]

Global Impact Study presented for the first time at the 2008 World Library & Information Congress

August 21, 2008

The Global Impact Study was presented — for the first time! — at the IFLA 2008 World Library & Information Congress, held from August 10–14 in Quebec City, Canada. This year’s topic: Libraries without borders: Navigating towards global understanding.

Preparing for the Second Global Workshop in Chile

July 15, 2008

Planning is underway for the second Global Impact Study global workshop. The event will be held the final week of October, 2008, in Becon, Chile. Approximately 20 participants are expected to attend the workshop, including the Research Working Group, Country Research Teams, and representatives from the Center for Information & Society.

Second Research Working Group meeting approaching

July 1, 2008

In just over a month — August 2008 — the Research Working Group will meet in Atlanta, Georgia. The group will be charged with two main tasks.

Phase one fieldwork: Generating research designs

The Country Research Teams have focused their summer 2008 research activities that will inform the development of research designs for the next phase of the Global Impact Study project. The primary methodology employed for this purpose is information ecology mapping (also known as linkage or social mapping).

First International Advisory Committee Meeting, June 2008

June 10, 2008

The first International Advisory Committee Meeting for the Global Impact Stud project was held on June 2nd and 3rd, 2008, in New Delhi. Here’s an overview of what we discussed and the recommendations that emerged.

First Global Impact Study workshop held in Seattle

June 3, 2008

The University of Washington Center for Information & Society hosted the first global workshop for the Global Impact Study from April 30 to May 2, 2008. This workshop brought together representatives from our three pilot countries (Bangladesh, Chile, Lithuania), along with members of the Research Working Group.