We are excited to announce the LIS Forward Summit as a culminating activity of the first year of the LIS Forward initiative. This event will allow members of the planning committee and other faculty who have participated in the initiative to synthesize our discussions and prepare for the next phase of activity. The Summit will take place at the University of Washington on November 3-6, 2022 and involve junior and senior faculty from seven North American information schools.
The primary output will be a white paper. As currently envisioned, it will include:
- The evolution of information schools over the past two decades (degrees, faculty and student compositions, postgraduate careers, etc.)
- Perspectives of the founding leaders of the iSchool movement and of current iSchool deans on their visions for LIS
- Essays on critical information problems impacting the future of libraries
- Opportunities and priorities for iSchools to lead and advance LIS research, education, and practice
- Visions from the next generation of faculty and students
- Recommendations and call to action
The other output will be an engagement roadmap focused on both the broader information school community and the library field. The plan is for the white paper to serve as a basis for catalyzing a series of conversations that will interrogate and expand upon the ideas generated by the Initiative’s initial group of participants.
Participating universities:
University of Arizona, School of Information
University of Illinois, School of Information Sciences
University of Maryland, College of Information Studies
University of Syracuse, School of Information Studies
University of Texas, School of Information
University of North Carolina, School of Information and Library Science
University of Washington, Information School