Preparing for the Second Global Workshop in Chile

July 15, 2008

Planning is underway for the second Global Impact Study global workshop. The event will be held the final week of October, 2008, in Becon, Chile. Approximately 20 participants are expected to attend the workshop, including the Research Working Group, Country Research Teams, and representatives from the Center for Information & Society.

Second Research Working Group meeting approaching

July 1, 2008

In just over a month — August 2008 — the Research Working Group will meet in Atlanta, Georgia. The group will be charged with two main tasks.

Phase one fieldwork: Generating research designs

The Country Research Teams have focused their summer 2008 research activities that will inform the development of research designs for the next phase of the Global Impact Study project. The primary methodology employed for this purpose is information ecology mapping (also known as linkage or social mapping).

First International Advisory Committee Meeting, June 2008

June 10, 2008

The first International Advisory Committee Meeting for the Global Impact Stud project was held on June 2nd and 3rd, 2008, in New Delhi. Here’s an overview of what we discussed and the recommendations that emerged.

First Global Impact Study workshop held in Seattle

June 3, 2008

The University of Washington Center for Information & Society hosted the first global workshop for the Global Impact Study from April 30 to May 2, 2008. This workshop brought together representatives from our three pilot countries (Bangladesh, Chile, Lithuania), along with members of the Research Working Group.

Literature review launched

March 1, 2008

The Technology & Social Change (TASCHA) Group has begun work to create a literature review that discusses the impact of public access to ICT and incorporates references from multiple languages. In addition to drawing on literature TASCHA has used in previous projects, members of the Research Working Group and other members of the Global Impact Study community have provided suggestions for references to include.

TASCHA to examine the impact of public access technology around the world

November 7, 2007

TASCHA is proud to announce the launch of the Global Impact Study of Public Access to Information & Communication Technologies — a five-year project (2007-2012) to generate evidence about the scale, character, and impacts of public access to information and communication technologies. Looking at libraries, telecenters, and cybercafes, the study will investigate impact in a number of areas, including communication and leisure, culture and language, education, employment and income, governance, and health.