Hiring Graduate Research Assistant – “LIS Task Force” – Academic Year 2022-2023

October 25, 2022

DEADLINE TO APPLY IS 9 PM Pacific Standard Time, Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The Information School is seeking a highly motivated graduate level student to serve as a Research Assistant supporting the iSchool LIS task force. The main focus of the LIS Task Force is the LIS Forward initiative, a multi-university conversation aimed at charting…

Localizing the Misinformation Escape Room: How organizations outside the US are adapting the game to serve their communities

A still frame of a video with a man wearing glasses, a tie, shirt and suit jacket with the title Janis Lapsa Zinatnes doktors kimija, NHD Laboratorijas Direktors in the lower third of the screen

July 25, 2022

Even before the official launch of Loki’s Loop in June 2022, the research team at the University of Washington Information School received numerous requests for collaboration from across the world. The first two organizations they agreed to support are in New Zealand and Latvia. In addition to the benefits to the local communities, the partnerships have been…

2021-2022: TASCHA Academic Year in Review

Young person wearing a yellow shirt, jeans, boots, a medical face mask and a backpack sitting on exterior concrete steps typing on a laptop

July 8, 2022

Highlights With the end of the academic year, it’s time to review TASCHA’s work of the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to play a role. On one hand we had to either postpone projects or replace field-based methods with remote methods (e.g. Zoom interviews), directly impacting the course and outcomes of these efforts. On…

Accomplishments and reflections from TASCHA’s first PhD Fellow, Itza Carbajal

A black and white photo of Itza. She has dark hair with bangs and is wearing glasses and a checkered shirt.

March 3, 2022

Itza Carbajal, TASCHA’s first PhD Fellow awarded in 2020-2021, conducted a series of research related activities under the guidance of Jason Young and Marika Cifor. Itza explored various areas of TASCHA’s work including Civic Engagement, Data for Good, and Digital Literacy to design a self-directed research study on a topic of choice. After meeting with…

iConference Interactive Event: Shaping Future Directions for LIS to Thrive and Grow in iSchools

iConference 2022 Banner

February 1, 2022

Join us at iConference 2022 to surface ambitions for tackling critical information challenges of our time and cultivate synergies and collaboration across iSchools. Schools of Library and Information Science (LIS) were foundational in launching the iSchool movement. Over the past 20 years, the movement and many individual schools have grown to become increasingly multidisciplinary, as…

Leading iSchools to hold summit

Suzzallo Globe

January 31, 2022

We are excited to announce the LIS Forward Summit as a culminating activity of the first year of the LIS Forward initiative. This event will allow members of the planning committee and other faculty who have participated in the initiative to synthesize our discussions and prepare for the next phase of activity. The Summit will…

Staying nimble and open to change created research opportunities for MLIS student, Lindsey Schwartz

MLIS student Lindsey Schwartz

January 18, 2022

From studying sociology and environmental studies to kneading dough as a baker, Lindsey Schwartz’ varied interests brought her to the University of Washington Information School. Lindsey moved to Seattle from Philadelphia during the COVID-19 pandemic to begin the Masters in Library Information Science (MLIS) program. Before pursuing a professional degree, Lindsey worked at the Historical…

Winter 2022 class– Misinformation Escape Room Directed Research Group

November 22, 2021

Winter 2022 Tuesdays 2:30-3:20 (online) 2 credits; CR/NC The Misinformation escape room Directed Research Group (DRG) is designed as a hands-on class for students to participate directly in an iSchool research project. This project started in 2020 and the priorities for the 2021-2022 academic year are to: Conduct a large-scale evaluation of our first escape…

Creating a Digital Bridge: Lessons and policy implications from a technology access and distribution program for low-income job seekers

October 6, 2021

Presentation at TPRC 49 (Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet) Researchers from the University of Washington worked with the City of Seattle and Seattle Jobs Initiative (SJI) to investigate how physically distant technology access and assistance could support workers in a new economy. The Digital Bridge project is just one of many…

Fulbright Fellow, Matias Centeno, examines reshaping rural borders

September 28, 2021

During 2014, Matias Centeno worked with TASCHA to better understand how different information and communication technology (ICT) tools impacted family farming. Centeno’s research focuses primarily on the role of youth in the complex social transformation of agriculture and the way this transformation manifests itself in different social, economic, and cultural spaces. Centeno led research projects…