Jason Young

Jason Young

Senior Research Scientist
Affiliate Assistant Professor
(206) 616-6391

My work explores the politics that shape what forms of knowledge come to matter within different socio-cultural contexts, with an emphasis on the role of technological practice in shaping these epistemic politics. My research asks, for example, how the use of information & communication technologies are re-shaping colonial hierarchies that exist between Indigenous and Western scientific knowledge systems, and how socio-cultural and emotional dynamics produce vulnerabilities and attachments to misinformation. My projects strongly emphasize community-based, participatory approaches with applied goals, but are also inspired by and draw from a broad range of postcolonial, feminist, and critical theories. Much of my research is done in the context of the Arctic. You can find a list of my active projects below.

In addition to my research, I am the Director of the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA). TASCHA is a multidisciplinary center whose research explores the relationship between digital technologies and society, with an emphasis on applied work grounded in community engagement. TASCHA researchers engage in critically-minded, community-based research with an emphasis on international partnerships and qualitative methods. One of our primary missions is to build and support a community of practice at the iSchool that is interested in critically interrogating the complex and rapidly changing relationship between technology, society, and the environment. In this pursuit, we provide space and resources for students, faculty, and researchers to come together to collectively experiment with methods and processes that support ethical collaborations and cutting-edge, community-based research. Please reach out if you are interested in engaging with TASCHA!

I am open to accepting a PhD student for the 2024-2025 cohort – please do reach out to me if you are interested in working together and thinking about applying to the iSchool! I am particularly interested in admitting students that seek to do research in the areas of digital knowledge politics, nature/society relationships, and Arctic and Indigenous studies, but am open to prospective students that intersect any of the active projects listed below:

Co-Designing Civic Education in the Circumpolar North – This NSF-funded planning grant supports an international set of collaborators to develop a research agenda for designing and implementing civic education approaches contextualized to the Arctic.

Indigenous Wellbeing in the Arctic – This project supports interdisciplinary and interepistemological research into Arctic Indigenous wellbeing, with the goal of developing educational resources that communities can use to support
develops culturally-specific educational resources that Arctic communities can use to support their own wellbeing and resilience.

Indigenous Connectivity – This project seeks to design and implement community networks for and with Indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon. It explores the ways in which digital technologies produce new opportunities for Indigenous communities to engage in collective environmental politics and cultural regeneration, while simultaneously reproducing epistemic and colonial hierarchies within those politics.

Co-Designing for Trust – This NSF-funded project is a collaboration between academic and community researchers, librarians, educators, and other partners working to design community-oriented solutions to misinformation. The project seeks to create locally-contextualized digital literacy resources that holistically address the ways that misinformation exploits our minds, emotions, and social circumstances.

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic – This NSF-funded planning grant explores the potential role of community networks – or, telecommunications infrastructure designed, implemented, and managed by communities – in addressing existing digital divides for Arctic Indigenous communities.

Innovations for Community-Held Infrastructure – This project, funded by the NSF Smart & Connected Community program, is co-developing new technologies (e.g., edge services, wireless sensors) that make community networks more useful and empowering for urban BIPOC communities.

Advancing Library Visibility in Africa (ALVA) – This project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, develops tools to support public library systems across the African continent as they engage in locally-relevant sustainable development efforts.

Affiliate Positions

Director, Technology & Social Change Group
Research Fellow, Center for an Informed Public
Affiliate Assistant Professor, UW Information School
Affiliate Instructor, UW Jackson School of International Studies

Research Areas

Misinformation & Digital Literacy
Digital Knowledge Politics
ICT & Development


Ph D, University of Washington, 2017
MA, University of Washington, 2012
BA, Miami University (Ohio), 2009
Gender dynamics in high school policy debate: Propagating gender hierarchies in advocating ‘better’ futures (2022)Gender and EducationAuthors: Stella Robertson, Petra Zuniga, Hannah Christenson, Jason Young
What makes an ideal partner? African libraries and neoliberal discourses in international development (2022)Applied LinguisticsAuthors: Renee Lynch, Jason Young, Chris Jowaisas, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Joel Sam
Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election (2022)Journal of Online Trust & Safety, vol. 1, no. 4Authors: Jevin West, Himanshu Zade, Morgan Wack, Yuanrui Zhang, Catharine Starbird, Ryan Calo, Jason Young
Public Libraries and Development Across Sub-Saharan Africa: Overcoming a Problem of Perception (2021)LibriAuthors: Jason Young, Renee Lynch, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Chris Jowaisas, Joel Sam
Data challenges for public libraries: African perspectives and the social context of knowledge. (2021)Authors: Lynch R, Jason Young, Chris Jowaisas, Maria Garrido
The Role of Libraries in Misinformation Programming: A Research Agenda (2020)Journal of Librarianship and Information ScienceAuthors: Jason Young, Brandyn Boyd, Katya Yefimova, Stacey Wedlake, Christopher Coward
Benefits of Crowdsourcing for Libraries in the Global South: A Case Study from Africa (2020)The IFLA JournalAuthors: Renee Lynch, Jason Young, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Chris Jowaisas, Joel Sam
African Libraries in Development: Perceptions and Possibilities (2020)International Information & Library ReviewAuthors: Renee Lynch, Jason Young, Chris Jowaisas, Stanley Boayke-Achampong, Joel Sam
Disinformation as the weaponization of cruel optimism: A critical intervention in misinformation studies (2020)Emotion, Space and SocietyAuthors: Jason Young
Volunteer geographic information in the Global South: barriers to local implementation of mapping projects across Africa (2020) GeoJournalAuthors: Jason Young, Renee Lynch, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Chris Jowaisas, Joel Sam, Bree Norlander
Data challenges for public libraries: African perspectives and the social context of knowledge (2020)Information DevelopmentAuthors: Renee Lynch, Jason Young, Chris Jowaisas, Maria Garrido, Joel Sam, Stanley Boakye-Achampong
Environmental colonialism, digital indigeneity, and the politicization of resilience (2020)Environmental Planning E: Nature and Space, pp. 1-22Authors: Jason Young
Volunteer geographic information in the Global South: barriers to local implementation of mapping projects across Africa (2020)GEOJOURNALAuthors: Jason Young, Renee Lynch, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Chris Jowaisas, Joel Sam, Bree Norlander
Benefits of Crowdsourcing for Libraries in the Global South: A Case Study from Africa (2020)IFLA JournalAuthors: Renee Lynch, Jason Young, Stanley Boakye-Achampong, Chris Jowaisas, Joel Sam, Bree Norlander
Rural digital geographies and new landscapes of social resilience (2019)Journal of Rural StudiesAuthors: Jason Young
The new knowledge politics of digital colonialism (2019)Environment and Planning A: Economy and SpaceAuthors: Jason Young
Knowledge Politics (2018)Authors: Jason Young
Ukiuqta’qtumi-Hivuniptingun – One Arctic, One Future (2018)Authors: Nadine Fabbi, Jason Young, Eric Finke
Canadian Inuit, digital qanuqtuurunnarniq, and emerging geographic imaginations (2017)Geoforum, vol. 86, pp. 53-62Authors: Jason Young
Participatory Uses of Geospatial Technologies to Leverage Multiple Knowledge Systems within Development Contexts (2017)World Development, vol. 93, pp. 389-401Authors: Jason Young, Michael Gilmore
Polar Bear Management in a Digital Arctic: Inuit Perspectives Across the Web (2016)The Canadian Geographer, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 574-91Authors: Jason Young
Subaltern empowerment in the Geoweb: Tensions between publicity and privacy (2014)Antipode, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 574-91Authors: Jason Young, Michael Gilmore
The Spatial Politics of Affect and Emotion in Participatory GIS (2013)Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 103, no. 4Authors: Jason Young, Michael Gilmore
The use of participatory mapping in ethnobiological research, biocultural conservation, and community empowerment: a case study from the Peruvian Amazon (2012)Journal of Ethnobiology, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 6-29Authors: Michael Gilmore, Jason Young
The Maijuna Participatory Mapping Project: Mapping the Past and the Present for the Future (2010)Authors: Michael Gilmore, Jason Young

Expanding Public Capacity for Community Cellular Networks (2022)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator)

E-Rate Commitments: Utilization, Trends, and Impacts on Public Libraries, 2016-2020 (2021)

Funder: American Library Association (ALA)Amount: $29,839Collaborators: Chris Jowaisas (Principal), Bree Norlander (Co-Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal)

The Community Archives Center for Tacoma (2021)

Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through Tacoma Public Library (Total award: $247,545)Amount: $56,423Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Marika Cifor (Co-Principal), Chris Jowaisas (Co-Principal)

SCC-IRG Track 2: Innovations for Community-held Infrastructure (2021)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Investigator), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator), Franziska Roesner (Co-Investigator), Spencer Sevilla (Co-Investigator)

Co-Designing Civic Education for the Circumpolar North (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $300,000)Amount: $263,000Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Michelle Koutnik (Co-Principal), Nadine Fabbi (Co-Principal)

Co-designing for Trust: Reimagining Online Information Literacies with Underserved Communities (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $5,000,000)Amount: $2,740,223Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal), Shaun Glaze (Co-Principal), Ahmer Arif (Co-Principal), Jevin West (Co-Investigator), Katharine Davis (Co-Investigator)

Co-designing for Trust: Reimagining Online Information Literacies with Underserved Communities (2021)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)Amount: $750,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Katharine Davis (Co-Principal)

Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity in The New Arctic (2020)

Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF) (Total award: $250,000)Amount: $26,835Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Principal), Spencer Sevilla (Co-Principal)

Enabling Small-Scale Cooperative Cellular Networks for Distributed Internet Access (2020)

Collaborators: Kurtis Heimerl (Principal), Jason Young (Co-Investigator), Emily Slager (Co-Investigator)

UW iSchool Strategic Research Fund (2018)

Collaborators: Jason Young (Principal)
Exploring The Benefits and Challenges of Community-Powered Connectivity In The New Arctic
NNA Annual Meeting - Virtual
Knowledge Politics Across Digital Divides: Environmental Change, Indigeneity, and Technology Use in the Arctic
Development Studies Association 2018 Conference - Manchester, UK
Beyond Super Searchers: Public Libraries in the Age of Misinformation. (2023)
Public Library Association - Online
Making Ends Meet in a Pandemic: African Library Initiatives During COVID-19 (2023)
86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology - London, United Kingdom
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Create a Community Archive at Your Public Library (2023)
BiblioCommons - Online
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library (2023)
BiblioCommons Webinar - Virtual
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library (2023)
American Library Association - Chicago, Illinois
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library (2023)
American Library Association Annual Conference - Wenatchee, WA, USA
Countering Misinformation, Strengthening Democracy (2023)
NEXT Library Festival - Aarhus, DK
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library (2023)
Washington Library Association Annual Conference - Wenatchee, WA, USA
Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election (2022)
Stanford Trust and Safety Research Conference - Virtual
Panel Discussion: Recommendations from the ALVA Pro (2021)
African Library & Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) - Online
Library Survey: Current Data Practices in African Libraries (2021)
African Library & Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) - Online
Development Organization Interviews: Perceptions and Possibilities for African Libraries (2021)
African Library & Information Associations and Institutions (AfLIA) - Online
Community Approaches to Misinformation (2021)
UW iSchool - Virtual
Going Public: Opening Scholarship to All (2020)
UW Libraries, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Advancing Library Visibility in Africa (2019)
3rd African Library & Information Associations & Institutions (AfLIA) Conference & 5th African Library Summit - Nairobi