ICTDX Roundup

February 1, 2019

In early January, TASCHA Director Chris Coward attended the 10th annual International Information and Communications Development (ICTD) conference. As the 10th conference in the series it offered an occasion to reflect on what we have accomplished as a community, where we have fallen short, and what changes may be necessary to respond to broader changes…

TASHCA, iSchool are headed to #ALAMW2019

ALA Midwinter 2019

January 18, 2019

TASCHA and the rest of the Information School is gearing up for ALA Midwinter here in Seattle from Jan. 25 – 29. If you’re headed to the conference, keep your eyes out for all ot the iSchool panelists. We’re excited for the list of speakers, including former Dean Harry Bruce, TASCHA Director Chris Coward, and…

TASCHA Hiring Spring 2019 Research Assistant

January 16, 2019

The Information School’s Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA) seeks a PhD student for spring quarter to be Research Assistant on our Advancing Library Visibility in Africa (ALVA) project.  The deadline to apply is January 25, 2019. See below and visit the job posting for more information. Responsibilities may include some or all of the…

2019 Study Abroad in Tahiti

Interested in a UW iSchool study abroad program in Tahiti this summer? This year’s program will run from August 24 – September 21, 2019 and is a collaboration between TASCHA’s Chris Rothschild and UW’s Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity. Applications are due on February 15, 2019. This program, which has been running since 2010,…

TASCHA Hiring Winter 2019 Research Assistant

December 27, 2018

The Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) in the Information School (iSchool) and the School of Marine Sciences seek a graduate Research Assistant to conduct a literature review of frameworks, curricula, tools, and programs that provide organizations and individuals data skills for better decision making. Of particular interest is capacity building that gives diverse communities…

Myanmar Book Aid and Preservation Foundation Honored

November 15, 2018

Our friends at the Myanmar Book Aid and Preservation Foundation (MBAPF) received the 2018 Gender Empowerment and Innovation Award from Information Society Innovative Fund (ISIF) Asia. ISIF annually recognizes organizations and groups doing impactful work in social and economic development related to internet access and growth. MBAPF’s project, “Equal Access to Information Society Myanmar,” worked…

Code.org, K-12 education capstone opportunity

November 14, 2018

If you’re interested in data visualization, relational databases, and coding, our friends at code.org have a Capstone opportunity available. ISchool students interested in this position can search for Code.org or the Capstone title on iCareers. Below is the iCareers description of the project, which combines k-12 education and STEM skills: In The Loop: Analyzing K-12…

Opportunity: Student interested in ICTD seminar planning

November 13, 2018

Change is a weekly seminar where students, faculty, and outside speakers come together to share and discuss research in the field of information and communication technologies and development (ICTD). TASCHA is a co-sponsor, and we’re looking for a student volunteer to help organize the seminar and contribute to shaping the direction of Change’s growth. We…

iSchool Research Symposium: Michael Best on “Value Sensitive Design, U.N. Peacekeeping”

November 1, 2018

Georgia Institute of Technology’s Michael Best will be giving the sixth lecture in the iSchool’s Research Symposium, titled “Value Sensitive Design and U.N. Peacekeeping.” Dr. Best’s research focuses on the intersection of information technologies and international development. Dr. Best will be welcomed by Chris Coward, TASCHA Director and Principal Research Scientist. When: Monday, Nov. 5…

Video Digitization and Storytelling Capstone

October 30, 2018

TASCHA has a great capstone opportunity for iSchool students interested in digitization, information access, and curation of metadata schemas. Search for iCareers ID 8141 to apply for this project today! Project description: In 1999, TASCHA (then known as the Center for Internet Studies), held a seminal conference on the global implications of the Internet. The…