Frequently Asked Questions about the Scaling Community through Archives cohort application

February 7, 2025

This is a collection of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Scaling Community through Archives cohort application. These have been gathered through email and interactions at the information sessions held in February 2025. If you have a question that is not answered here, please email Chris Jowaisas ( Last updated: February 22, 2025 –…

Cohort applications now open for Scaling Community Through Archives project

January 17, 2025

Do you want to collect and share important stories in your community, both current and past, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you have a great idea for a community archive project but need funding and support? Apply to the Scaling Community Through Archives cohort!  January 29th, 2025: The Scaling Community Through Archives team…

Public libraries: help create new information literacy approaches for teens

October 2, 2024

The University of Washington Information School is looking for six public libraries to collaborate on creating information literacy programs and resources for teens. The intended impact is to co-design a sustainable resource that provides an authentic environment for information literacy instruction, while addressing instructional pitfalls of using “live” examples on social media. This project will…

Libraries can play a role in creating more inclusive programs and policies through inclusive data practices

September 9, 2024

We are excited to announce a new project to train rural libraries in community engagement strategies to gather and use meaningful community data. In collaboration with Califa and rural library staff, we are co-creating a free, on-demand online training program. This program will support library workers in creating opportunities for community members to actively participate…

Population Health Initiative grant to build research agenda for a gamified approach to health misinformation

October 27, 2022

This project aims to develop a research agenda for a gamified approach to building resilience to health misinformation. Project activities include a literature review, interviews with health experts, and co-design sessions. With conventional information literacy approaches for helping people detect and resist misinformation proving inadequate, escape rooms offer an immersive learning experience to focus on…

IMLS grant to deploy escape room for libraries

Building on a successful pilot study, we received a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) to move the project forward. The project has four parts:  #1: To finalize the initial escape room — The Euphorigen Investigation — and build the technical infrastructure for public libraries and other educational institutions to access…

Hiring Graduate Research Assistant – “LIS Task Force” – Academic Year 2022-2023

October 25, 2022

DEADLINE TO APPLY IS 9 PM Pacific Standard Time, Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The Information School is seeking a highly motivated graduate level student to serve as a Research Assistant supporting the iSchool LIS task force. The main focus of the LIS Task Force is the LIS Forward initiative, a multi-university conversation aimed at charting…

2021-2022: TASCHA Academic Year in Review

Young person wearing a yellow shirt, jeans, boots, a medical face mask and a backpack sitting on exterior concrete steps typing on a laptop

July 8, 2022

Highlights With the end of the academic year, it’s time to review TASCHA’s work of the past year. The COVID-19 pandemic continued to play a role. On one hand we had to either postpone projects or replace field-based methods with remote methods (e.g. Zoom interviews), directly impacting the course and outcomes of these efforts. On…

Winter 2022 class– Misinformation Escape Room Directed Research Group

November 22, 2021

Winter 2022 Tuesdays 2:30-3:20 (online) 2 credits; CR/NC The Misinformation escape room Directed Research Group (DRG) is designed as a hands-on class for students to participate directly in an iSchool research project. This project started in 2020 and the priorities for the 2021-2022 academic year are to: Conduct a large-scale evaluation of our first escape…

Researchers receive IMLS grants supporting community work

August 6, 2021

Photo by SounderBruce, CC BY-SA 2.0 This summer, TASCHA researchers have received several competitive grants funding various projects. From archive work to misinformation education, TASCHA is thrilled that our researchers will be able to use this funding to further social change in our local communities. Tacoma Public Library aims to co-develop community archives with assistance…