2019 Study Abroad in Tahiti

January 16, 2019

Interested in a UW iSchool study abroad program in Tahiti this summer? This year’s program will run from August 24 – September 21, 2019 and is a collaboration between TASCHA’s Chris Rothschild and UW’s Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity. Applications are due on February 15, 2019. This program, which has been running since 2010,…

TASCHA Hiring Winter 2019 Research Assistant

December 27, 2018

The Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) in the Information School (iSchool) and the School of Marine Sciences seek a graduate Research Assistant to conduct a literature review of frameworks, curricula, tools, and programs that provide organizations and individuals data skills for better decision making. Of particular interest is capacity building that gives diverse communities…

Code.org, K-12 education capstone opportunity

November 14, 2018

If you’re interested in data visualization, relational databases, and coding, our friends at code.org have a Capstone opportunity available. ISchool students interested in this position can search for Code.org or the Capstone title on iCareers. Below is the iCareers description of the project, which combines k-12 education and STEM skills: In The Loop: Analyzing K-12…

Opportunity: Student interested in ICTD seminar planning

November 13, 2018

Change is a weekly seminar where students, faculty, and outside speakers come together to share and discuss research in the field of information and communication technologies and development (ICTD). TASCHA is a co-sponsor, and we’re looking for a student volunteer to help organize the seminar and contribute to shaping the direction of Change’s growth. We…

Video Digitization and Storytelling Capstone

October 30, 2018

TASCHA has a great capstone opportunity for iSchool students interested in digitization, information access, and curation of metadata schemas. Search for iCareers ID 8141 to apply for this project today! Project description: In 1999, TASCHA (then known as the Center for Internet Studies), held a seminal conference on the global implications of the Internet. The…

New Project Combines STEM, Gender Data Equity

October 18, 2018

TASCHA researchers Maria Garrido and Chris Rothschild are partnering with Araba Sey (United Nations University) and Sula Batsu Cooperative in Costa Rica to enhance Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) educational opportunities for women in non-traditional educational settings like public libraries and social organizations. This project will assess the feasibility of technology-based solutions and innovative…

Jason Young to present on “Emerging Geographies of Digital Knowledge Politics”

October 10, 2018

Senior Researcher Jason Young will give a lecture titled “Emerging Geographies of Digital Knowledge Politics,” as part of the iSchool Research Symposium. When: Monday, Oct. 15 from 12:30-1:30pm. Light snacks provided. Where: BLD 070 in person or online via zoom. Join Jason as he discusses his past, current, and future research projects with TASCHA, which…

Farewell to our Data Analyst Lucas Koepke

September 28, 2018

This week TASCHA says goodbye to our Data Analyst Lucas Koepke. Lucas became TASCHA’s statistical backbone 7 years ago after earning his Master of Science in Statistics from the University of Washington. Before Lucas heads out the door, we gave him the opportunity to share some of his favorite work at TASCHA. Here’s Lucas in…

Research Assistant – Statistical Analysis for the Evaluation of a Namibian Library System – Technology & Social Change Group – Autumn 2018

September 19, 2018

CORRECTION: This position is benefits eligible if the new employee starts on or before October 1st. The Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) in the Information School seeks a graduate research assistant to support the statistical analysis of data for a project evaluating the impact of a new public library system in Namibia. Specifically, the…

TASCHA hiring a Communications Research Assistant

August 8, 2018

TASCHA is seeking a University of Washington iSchool graduate student for our Communications Research Assistant position. The student in this position will play an integral role by working directly with TASCHA’s Communications Specialist, along with the leadership and researchers at TASCHA. The student will have an opportunity to learn more about TASCHA’s research, the areas…