Chris Coward
Biography / Positions / Education
Chris Coward is Senior Principal Research Scientist and Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Washington Information School. Chris studies how people engage with new information and communication technologies, motivated by an interest in supporting individual and community agency in today’s complex information environment. A social scientist with an applied research and participatory methods orientation, Chris partners with communities to co-design, implement, and assess programs in culturally diverse settings. Many projects involve public libraries as sites of learning and community-based action.
Much of Chris’ work is rooted in the literacy fields — information, digital, media, civic — and informed by sociocultural models. One focus is misinformation where he collaborates with game researchers and designers to develop escape rooms and other play based activities for boosting people’s resilience and confidence online. Another interest is youth civic engagement. As many of the issues that motivate civic participation also suffer from misinformation, Chris is particularly focused on the intersection of these two areas.
At the University of Washington Chris co-founded the Center for Internet Studies in 1999, which later became the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA), a research center he directed until 2023 that explores the role of digital technologies in building more open, inclusive, and equitable societies. In 2019, Chris was one of five principal investigators to establish the Center for an Informed Public, a nexus for multidisciplinary research on misinformation and translating research into policy, technology design, curriculum development, and public engagement. He is currently a visiting scholar at the University of Copenhagen (2023-2025).
Affiliate Positions
Research Areas
Grants and Awards
Building Resistance to Cancer Nutrition Misinformation through an Escape Room Game Intervention (2023)
Funder: National Institutes of Health (NIH) RO1 grant through Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterAmount: $94,560Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Center for an Informed Public – Hewlett Foundation Renewal (2022)
Funder: William and Flora Hewlett FoundationAmount: $600,000Collaborators: Catharine Starbird (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Investigator), Emma Spiro (Co-Investigator), Jevin West (Co-Investigator), Ryan Calo (Co-Investigator)LIS Forward: Shaping Future Directions for LIS in iSchools — Outreach and Engagement (2022)
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $149,832Collaborators: Carole Palmer (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)Misinformation Escape Room: Building a research agenda for a gamified approach to combating health misinformation (2022)
Funder: University of Washington Population Health InitiativeAmount: $24,914Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Principal), Kolina Koltai (Co-Principal), Rachel Moran (Co-Principal), Julie Kientz (Co-Principal)Supporting the Development of Digital Playful Exploratory Resources to Combat Mis/disinformation through Online Intergenerational Co-design (2021)
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)Amount: $249,917Collaborators: Jason Yip (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Investigator), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Investigator)Misinformation Escape Room: Supporting Libraries as Hubs for Misinformation Education (2021)
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Amount: $249,691Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Jin Ha Lee (Co-Principal)Co-Designing Protocols for Data Creation, Analysis, and Use Among Local Care Networks in Seattle and Boston to Enhance Disaster Resilience (2020)
Funder: National Science Foundation (NSF)Amount: $49,997Collaborators: Nicholas Weber (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Carole Palmer (Co-Principal)Connecting Rural and Small Libraries to Connected Learning (2020)
Funder: Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) (Total award: $427,062)Amount: $284,259Collaborators: Katharine Davis (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Mega Subramaniam (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)
Funder: AARP WashingtonAmount: $15,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)
Funder: Boeing Employees' Credit Union (BECU)Amount: $75,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)
Funder: Craig Newmark PhilanthropiesAmount: $100,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2020)
Funder: Craig Newmark PhilanthropiesAmount: $1,000,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Society at the University of Washington – Hewlett Foundation (2019)
Funder: William and Flora Hewlett FoundationAmount: $600,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal), Catharine Starbird (Co-Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2019)
Funder: Microsoft Amount: $150,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Digital Equity Initiative – Digital Skills Project (2018)
Funder: City of Seattle Department of Information TechnologyAmount: $20,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Center for an Informed Public (CIP) (2018)
Funder: John S. and James L. Knight FoundationAmount: $5,000,000Collaborators: Jevin West (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal), Emma Spiro (Co-Principal), Kate Starbird (Co-Principal), Ryan Calo (Co-Principal)Baseline Study of African Public Library Environment (2016)
Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $2,500,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Data literacy development in Myanmar (2016)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal), Sara Curran (Co-Principal)Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative (2015)
Funder: International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)Amount: $349,538Collaborators: Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)TASCHA Legacy Grant (2015)
Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $15,918,283Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Mike Crandall (Co-Principal)Research Roadmap for Strengthening the Library Field (2014)
Funder: Bill and Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $760,577Collaborators: Michael Crandall (Principal)Library Development Support in Myanmar (2014)
Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $349,996Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal)Global Impact Study: Outreach and Engagement (2013)
Funder: International Development Research CentreAmount: $124,614Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Gates – Aman (2013)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Evaluation of Namibia’s Regional Study and Resource Centers (RSRCs) (2013)
Funder: Millennium Challenge CoprporationAmount: $276,615Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)TASCHA Core Operating fund (2013)
Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationAmount: $1,000,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Advancing Democracy and Producing Transformation in Information and Technology for Burma (2013)
Funder: US Agency for International DevelopmentAmount: $1,500,000Collaborators: Mary Callahan (Principal), Sara Curran (Principal), Christopher Coward (Co-Principal)Microsoft CIS Gift Fund (2012)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Civil Society 2.0 – Georgia (2012)
Funder: East-West Management Institute, Inc.Amount: $60,096Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)GLDI Stakeholder Research (2011)
Funder: International Research and Exchanges BoardAmount: $46,440Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Sithi 2.0: Mainstreaming Government Accountability Project (2011)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal)Technology and Social Change Group Support (2011)
Funder: Microsoft CorporationAmount: $250,000Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal)Framework for Digitally Inclusive Communities (2011)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)CIS Monitoring & Evaluation Dissemination 2010: Supplement (2010)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Digital Inclusion Framework (2010)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 4– Unlimited Potential (2010)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal)IDRC Supplement Revised Budget (2009)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Supplement to ICT and Public Access: Investigating the Social and Economic Impact of Public Access to Information and Communication Technologies (2009)
Funder: International Development Research CentreAmount: $4,065,008Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Beth Kolko (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal)CIS Monitoring and Evaluation 1 FY 2009-2011 (2009)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Andrew Gordon (Co-Principal)CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 2: e-Skills, Employment, and Immigrant Women in the European Union (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal)CIS Monitoring & Evaluation 3-Latin America (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Maria Garrido (Co-Principal), Joseph Sullivan (Co-Principal), Joyojeet Pal (Co-Principal)CIS Capacity Building–Gated Foundation (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Information and Communication Technologies for International Development Research Overview (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)FY 09 Microsoft CIS Monitoring & Evaluation Strategy (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)CIS Australia Supplement (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Landscape of Public Access ICT in Developing Countries (2008)
Funder: Gates FoundationCollaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Ricardo Gomez (Co-Principal)Research on technology use by people with disabilities in Latin American (2008)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Center for Internet Studies Research FY 08 (2007)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)ICT and Public Access: Investigating the Social and Economic Impact of Public Access to Information and Communication Technologies (2007)
Funder: International Development Research CentreCollaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Research on Library Systems and the Environment for Public Access to ICT in Selected Countries (2007)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Robert Mason (Co-Principal), Michael Crandall (Co-Principal), Karine Nahon (Co-Principal)Center for Internet Studies Research FY 08 (2007)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Unlimited Potential evaluation project (2005)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Role of the university in information technologies for development in Asia (2005)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Building an Internet studies program in the Philippines (2004)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Fund for innovation & redesign: Interdisciplinary program in humanitarian relief (2004)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Establishing an Asia-Pacific network of Internet studies programs (2003)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Nonprofit technology leadership program (2002)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal), Elaine Chang (Co-Principal)Outsourcing industry for developing countries in Asia (2002)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Planning grant to establish the Internet Political economy Forum (2000)
Collaborators: Christopher Coward (Principal)Presentations
European Digital and Media Literacy Conference - Brussels, Belgium
2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Calgary, Canada
86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology - Novotel London West, London, UK
WebJunction - Virtual
Seattle, WA (virtual)
ARSL 2022 Conference, Association for Rural & Small Libraries - Online
SIGCAS Showcase, ACM Computers and Society - Online
Connected Learning Summit - Virtual
Connected Learning Summit - Virtual
Connected Learning Summit - Online
Connected Learning Summit - Online
Connected Learning Summit - Online
ICTD 2022 (International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and International Development) - Seattle, WA
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and International Development - Seattle, WA
Cincinnati Public Libraries - Cincinnati, OH
University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen, Denmark
Dagstuhl Seminar - Wadern, Germany
United Nations, Peacekeeping Division - Online
PLA 2022 (Public Library Association) - Portland, Oregon
Misinfo Day, University of Washington, Center for an Informed Public - Online
New Zealand, Department of the Internal Affairs - Online
Media Literacy Training Program for English Teaching Assistants in Central Asia, U.S. Department of State - Online
iSchools organziation - Virtual
LibLearnX, American Library Association - Online
Library of Congress - Online
Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program: Media and Information - Seattle, Washington
2021 ARSL (Association of Rural and Small Libraries) - Online
2021 Washington Library Association (WLA) conference - Virtual
Media & Learning - Virtual
The Downtown School - Seattle, Washington
University Women’s Club - Seattle, Washington
Distinguished Humphrey Fellowship Program: Media and Information - Seattle, Washington
21st Century Change Makers: Countering Disinformation among Older Adults, International Visitor Leadership Program, U.S. Department of State - Washington, D.C.
2nd WHO Infodemic Management Training, World Health Organization - Geneva, Switzerland
Community Day at the 10th International Conference on Communications & Technologies - Virtual
Next Library Conference - Virtual
Going Public: Advocacy, Activism, and Building Trust - Online
Next Library Voices - Online
Lie Detectors - Online
Center for an Informed Public seminar - Online
MozFest - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Technology & Social Change Group Public Library Colloquium - Online
UW iSchool - Virtual
OPENCON - Cleveland, Ohio
Washington Library Association - Spokane, WA
TEDx SnoIsle Libraries - Online
KUOW - Seattle, Washington
UW Libraries, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Community Labs Workshop, King County Library System - Bellevue, Washington
Town Hall Seattle - Seattle, WA
iConference 2019 - Washington, D.C.
Millennium Challenge Corporation - Windhoek, Namibia
Millennium Challenge Corporation - Washington, D.C
Information School Research Fair, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Information School Research Fair, Unviersity of Washington - Seattle, Washington
ALA Midwinter 2019 - Seattle, WA
10th Annual International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD), IIM Ahmedabad - Ahmedabad, India
Millennium Challenge Corporation - Washington, D.C
Libraries in the age of big data, data science, and digital connectivity: Continuities, disruptions, and opportunities - Seattle, Washington
Stakeholder Workshop with Namibia Government and Library stakeholders - Windhoek, Namibia
UNESCO/ITU Mobile Learning Week 2018 - Paris, France
Mobile Learning Week - Paris, France
Information School Research Fair, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
2017 World Library and Information Congress - Wroclaw, Poland
Remarks at side event of the UN High Political Forum on the Sustainable Development Goals, New York Public Library - New York, New York
Next Library Festival - Aarhus, Denmark
IFLA Global Vision, Regional Workshop Africa - Yaoundé, Cameroon
IFLA Global Vision, Regional Workshop Africa - Yaoundé, Cameroon
Information School Research Fair, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
International Network of Library Innovators (INELI) South Asia - Seattle, Washington
Change Seminar, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Information School Research Fair - Seattle, Washington
Digital Strategies for Development Summit 2015 - Cebu City, The Philippines
Digital Strategies of Development Summit, International Telecommunications Union - Cebu City, Philippines
The Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program, Dialogue on Public Libraries - Washington, D.C.
University of KwaZulu-Natal - Durban, South Africa
Ethekwini Municipal Libraries - Durban, South Africa
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Centre for Civil Society - KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Civil Society Innovation Initiative: Co-Creation Workshop - Istanbul, Turkey
Information School Research Symposium - Seattle, Washington
ICTD 2013 Conference - Cape Town, South Africa
Beyond Access Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C.
Contexto Digital - Bogota, Colombia
Foros Semana - Bogota, Colombia
Floro Semana - Bogota, Colombia
5th European Congress on e-Inclusion, Civic Agenda - Brussels, Belgium
African Library Summit 2013, IFLA - Pretoria, South Africa
Spark: 4th Global Forum on Telecentres - Granada, Spain
Spark: 4th Global Forum on Telecentres - Granada, Spain
Global Libraries Peer Learning Meeting - Cape Town, South Africa
University of Michigan School of Information - Ann Arbor, Michigan
WSIS+10: Towards Knowledge Societies for Peace & Sustainable Development, UNESCO - Paris, France
Beyond Access Annual Meeting - Washington D.C.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Seattle, Washington
Library Innovators’ Camp, Beyond Access, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) - Washington, DC
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Libraries International Advocacy Working Group - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Libraries International Advocacy Working Group - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) - Manila, The Philippines
Global Libraries Peer Learning Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Helsinki, Finland
ICTD 2012 - Atlanta, GA
Global Libraries Development Initiative (GLDI) Organizing Committee Summit, International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) - Ljubljana, Slovenia
3rd Global Forum on Telecentres - Santiago, Chile
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2010); Royal Holloway, University of London - London, UK
IFLA World Library and Information Congress - Gothenburg, Sweden
Georgia Institute of Technology - Atlanta, GA
Global Libraries Peer Learning Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Helsinki, Finland
Global Libraries Peer Learning Meeting, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Helsinki, Finland
iConference 2010, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champagne, Illinois
iConference 2010, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champagne, Illinois
Challenges and Perspectives of the Digital Inclusion in the Society of Information, Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília ou Itamaraty asilia - Brasilia, Brazil
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) - Vancouver, BC, Canada
European Congress on E-Inclusion: Technology and Beyond in Public Libraries - Brussels, Belgium
Workshop at the 75th IFLA General Conference and Assembly - Milan, Italy
World Affairs Council - Seattle, Washington
IDRC PAN All Partners Conference, Wawasan Open University - Penang, Malaysia
3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2009) - Doha, Qatar
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development - Doha, Qatar
3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2009) - Doha, Qatar
IFLA/Gates Foundation meeting - The Hague, Netherlands
Investigating the Social and Economic Impacts of Digital Information and Communication Technologies - Santiago, Chile
International Conference on Information Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD 2007) - Bangalore, India
Global Knowledge Conference (GK3) - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Research in the Information Society, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - Manila, Philippines
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) - Manila, The Philippines