
The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic

The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic

What are the social, cultural, and economic implications of increased connectivity for Arctic communities and peoples?

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

What is the current state of public library internet connectivity?

Misinformation Escape Room

Misinformation Escape Room

Designing gamified approaches to building (mis)information literacy.

The TASCHA Public Library Initiative aims to generate new ideas for advancing the transformation of public libraries as centers of learning, creativity, and community development.

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Topics Search: "Indigenous Knowledge"

The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic (2022)

What are the social, cultural, and economic implications of increased connectivity for Arctic communities and peoples?

Co-Designing Civic Education for the Circumpolar North (2021)

Launching collaborative research to produce a model for teaching civic education for the circumpolar North.

Indigenous Connectivity in Peru (2019)

In what ways can ICT platforms be co-developed with Indigenous communities to support their political empowerment while avoiding unintended negative effects of connectivity?