Projects – Public Libraries Collection

The TASCHA Public Library Initiative aims to generate new ideas for advancing the transformation of public libraries as centers of learning, creativity, and community development.

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Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

What is the current state of public library internet connectivity?

LIS Forward

LIS Forward

How can iSchools leverage their broad spectrum of expertise to address critical information challenges of our time while also advancing the profession of librarianship?

Misinformation Escape Room

Misinformation Escape Room

Designing gamified approaches to building (mis)information literacy.

Public Libraries Projects

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Libraries as catalysts for unveiling more inclusive data in rural areas (2024)

The Califa Group in partnership with the University of Washington Information School will address a data gap in rural communities, in which library workers, policymakers, and community organizers often struggle to find datasets that accurately represent the realities and aspirations of rural communities. This project involves co-creating a training program with rural library workers. The...

LIS Forward (2022)

How can iSchools leverage their broad spectrum of expertise to address critical information challenges of our time while also advancing the profession of librarianship?

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC) (2022)

What is the current state of public library internet connectivity?

Equity in Education Coalition (EEC) Digital Navigator (2022)

This project will help Equity in Education Coalition (EEC) assess the outcomes and performance of the Digital Navigators Program. EEC and the ConnectWA Coalition, along with partners and subcontractors, plan to train and deploy community-based Digital Navigators across the state, implement a Digital Navigator call center and support line and create Statewide Digital Equity Dashboard....

The Community Archives Center for Tacoma (2021)

Bringing community members and organizations together to broaden participation and inclusion within cultural heritage collections.

Misinformation Escape Room (2020)

Designing gamified approaches to building (mis)information literacy.

Leveraging Use of Open Data by Public Library Staff for Community Benefit (2020)

Investigating the data needs of public library staff and determining which of those needs can be met through the use of open data.

Examining the Role of Public Libraries in Combating Misinformation (2019)

Developing a community lab model for use in public libraries in Washington Libraries to combat misinformation and threats to democracy.

STEM Education for Gender Data Equity in Costa Rica (2018)

How do we harness nontraditional learning environments, like public libraries, to address gender data gaps and lack of women in STEM fields?

Advancing Library Visibility in Africa (2018)

Advancing library visibility through effective data collection, use, and sharing in partnership with the African library community.

Workshop: Public libraries as platforms for civic engagement (2017)

Thought leaders from libraries, civic media, collective action, peace building, media and data literacies explore civic engagement.