Libraries as catalysts for unveiling more inclusive data in rural areas

September 9, 2024

The Califa Group in partnership with the University of Washington Information School will address a data gap in rural communities, in which library workers, policymakers, and community organizers often struggle to find datasets that accurately represent the realities and aspirations of rural communities. This project involves co-creating a training program with rural library workers. The…

Global Impact Study

November 23, 2022

The Global Impact Study of Public Access to Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) was a multi-year, eight-country exploration of the use and impact of public access ICTs. The study produced many reports, articles, datasets, and resources, all of which can be found in this collection. The final reports and summaries of the study and the…

Social equity is key to sustainable ocean governance

November 20, 2022

Calls to address social equity in ocean governance are expanding. Yet ‘equity’ is seldom clearly defined. Here we present a framework to support contextually-informed assessment of equity in ocean governance. Guiding questions include: (1) Where and (2) Why is equity being examined? (3) Equity for or amongst Whom? (4) What is being distributed? (5) When is equity considered? And (6) How do governance structures impact equity?…

The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic

Wi-Fi hotspot in the Abano Pass in the Caucasus Mountains

July 29, 2022

What are the social, cultural, and economic implications of increased connectivity for Arctic communities and peoples?

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

Map of the eastern United States with red connectivity lines

What is the current state of public library internet connectivity?

Blending research and STEM education for gender-inclusive technology development in rural Ghana

Ghana Project

January 5, 2022

What forms of social science and technology training can be provided in non-formal environments to give young women and their families a more expansive view of their career options?

African Libraries in Development: Perceptions and Possibilities

October 3, 2020

Across Africa, libraries are contributing to development in their countries. However, this work remains largely unrecognized by international stakeholders in development. To bridge this gap, this research examines the current perceptions of libraries among development organizations and asks how libraries may gain visibility as partners. Interviews with development practitioners indicate that perceptions of libraries remain…

Ocean Data for Decision-Making

A few small water crafts on calm water during sunlight

February 26, 2020

Developing data for decision-making (D4D) tools and resources that local organizations can use to more effectively work with (and within) their target communities and with scientists and policy makers to generate and use marine data to manage marine resources and ecosystems.

Data for Decision-Making (D4D)

May 16, 2019

How can communities and organizations be supported to better participate in the co-creation of actionable knowledge?

STEM Education for Gender Data Equity in Costa Rica

October 18, 2018

How do we harness nontraditional learning environments, like public libraries, to address gender data gaps and lack of women in STEM fields?