
The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic

The Benefits and Challenges of Community- Powered Connectivity in the New Arctic

What are the social, cultural, and economic implications of increased connectivity for Arctic communities and peoples?

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

Public Library Internet Connectivity (PLIC)

What is the current state of public library internet connectivity?

Misinformation Escape Room

Misinformation Escape Room

Designing gamified approaches to building (mis)information literacy.

The TASCHA Public Library Initiative aims to generate new ideas for advancing the transformation of public libraries as centers of learning, creativity, and community development.

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Topics Search: "Digital Literacy"

Equity in Education Coalition (EEC) Digital Navigator (2022)

This project will help Equity in Education Coalition (EEC) assess the outcomes and performance of the Digital Navigators Program. EEC and the ConnectWA Coalition, along with partners and subcontractors, plan to train and deploy community-based Digital Navigators across the state, implement a Digital Navigator call center and support line and create Statewide Digital Equity Dashboard....

Misinformation Escape Room (2020)

Designing gamified approaches to building (mis)information literacy.

Creating the Digital Bridge: How Physically Distant Technology Access and Assistance Can Support Workers in a New Economy (2020)

Piloting a small-scale program to provide job seekers with home technology and remote support to develop digital skills and prepare for new careers.

Ocean Data for Decision-Making (2020)

Developing data for decision-making (D4D) tools and resources that local organizations can use to more effectively work with (and within) their target communities and with scientists and policy makers to generate and use marine data to manage marine resources and ecosystems.

Indigenous Connectivity in Peru (2019)

In what ways can ICT platforms be co-developed with Indigenous communities to support their political empowerment while avoiding unintended negative effects of connectivity?

Digital Skills for Digital Equity (2018)

How do you identify what skills people need to equitably participate in digital life?