Student Opportunity June – September 2021

May 12, 2021

We are seeking two students to join a team working on an online misinformation escape room. Version 1 is complete and we want to both make changes to our initial game, and develop a design kit for creating additional escape rooms. For more information on the project visit: and Period: June – September…

Fall 2021 class — Misinformation Escape Room

May 10, 2021

Misinformation escape room is designed as a hands-on class for students to participate directly in an iSchool research project. The research team has completed the development of an online escape room — The Euphorigen Investigation — as an interactive and immersive environment for active learning about misinformation. In previous classes we conducted a pilot project…

2020: TASCHA year in review

The words "TASCHA Year in Review" written in a white font over an image of a red and purple sunset

January 28, 2021

As TASCHA’s 20th year comes to a close, the events of this past year are a reminder of why TASCHA was founded in the first place and why our work is more relevant than ever. Following are some TASCHA highlights from 2020.    Digital inclusion As the COVID-19pandemic hit the U.S., Stacey Wedlake, using data…

Winter 2021 class — Misinformation Escape Room

November 3, 2020

Instructors: Chris Coward, Jinha Lee, Travis Windleharth Misinformation escape room is designed as a hands-on class for students to participate directly in an iSchool research project. The research team has completed the development of an online escape room intended to help participants learn about misinformation. We are now ready to deploy the escape room and…

TASCHA Launches Development and Access to Information Dashboards

A teal and orange graph illustrating the percentage of the population covered by at least a 3G network from 2006-2018 in South Africa

July 8, 2020

“The rights and capacity to use, create, and share information in ways that are meaningful to each individual, community, or organization.”  July 8th 2020 – The Technology & Social Change Group at the University of Washington Information School has released the Development and Access to Information (DA2i) Dashboards, a data visualization platform that tracks the…

D4D Project Launch Under New Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Center at UW

A photo of a school of light blue fish swimming in dark blue water

July 1, 2020

By: Chris Rothschild Senior Research Scientist at TASCHA and a Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Fellow and Dr. Araba Sey, Senior Research Scientist We live in a data driven world – a world that is over 70% ocean. Thanks to recent technological developments, massive amounts of environmental data can now be captured and fed into the…

A Review of Tools, Resources, and Frameworks to Build Data for Decision-Making Capacity in Communities and Community Organizations

calm ocean at sunset

February 26, 2020

By Research Assistant Hanna Navarro and Chris Rothschild, Senior Research Scientist at TASCHA and a Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Fellow   What are the available resources, and what research-based frameworks have been established to understand D4D and structure D4D learning practices? TASCHA and the School of Marine and Environmental Affairs partnered to better understand how trainings to improve…

Knight Foundation Awards for Research around Technology’s Impact on Democracy

Chris Coward smiling and holding a microphone.

July 26, 2019

TASCHA is thrilled with this week’s announcement by the Knight Foundation to establish the UW Center for an Informed Public (CIP). UW is one of five universities that received this award to develop a new field of research around technology’s impact on democracy. TASCHA Director, Chris Coward, is one of the new center’s co-Principal Investigators,…

Available Now: Data for Decision-Making Curriculum

June 7, 2019

Supporting organizations and communities to more effectively and responsibly use data for decision-making requires a comprehensive approach that provides tools to develop a robust data culture. Creation of this support should be approached in ways that are locally relevant and respect local knowledge and decision-making systems. That’s why TASCHA’s work in data for decision-making (D4D) strives…

TASCHA Hiring 2019-20 Communications RA

May 21, 2019

TASCHA is hiring! We are seeking a Communications Research Assistant for the 2019-2020 school year. Are you an Information School student interested in outreach, communications, and access to information? Consider applying to this position. Position Description The University of Washington Information School’s Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) has an outstanding opportunity for a student…